Chapter Sixteen:

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Part Four: London

Chapter Sixteen:

We manage to stay away from Ross for quite a while, although I was the only one who had to do the avoiding. Sesshoumaru would spend most of his days cooped up in the apartment; and if he did leave, it was for groceries and perhaps a cup of tea with me.

Quietly, we lived our lives and minded our own business.

This bliss lasted until I was checking the mail one evening.

It was cold, bitterly cold, but the rain hadn't yet turned into snow. I stoped by to check if anything had arrived when a smoker's laugh assaults me.

"Oh shit." I'm looking for an exit but all I see is a trap.

"Well hello there neighbor! How are you this fine and dandy evening?" I smile as genuinely as I possibly can. He's in his pajamas and slippers.

"Err... fine." I try to disappear into the elevators without him following, but my attempt is futile. He waltzes in hitting the button for the twenty first floor then settles his eyes on me.

"So, what have the two of you been up to?"

"Nothing too special really. Just settling in." I now have a complete understanding of Sesshoumaru's need for space.

"Well that sounds exciting, how are you liking London?"

"Oh it's great."

"Sorry the wife and I haven't had you around for dinner and drinks yet. The wife makes a lovely home cooked pub meal." I smile and rifle through the mail to distract myself from the anxiety of being stuck in here.

"You two probably don't eat that sort of rubbish now do you? No you're far too fit for that. Your boyfriend is far too cut to be having a fry up." I stop myself from laughing. So he was checking out Sesshoumaru the other night.

We exit the elevator and he's still talking. I stopped paying attention after he mentioned how cut Sesshoumaru is.

"Well then. Ichiro's waiting for me with dinner. I'll see you around." I wave, trying not to focus on the large green stain perched on his shoulder.

"Tell him I said hello and that..." He's still talking, and I'm still smiling while I close the door before he can invite us over for dinner again.

"I think he has a crush on you." I tell Sesshoumaru very seriously. He raises a brow, kissing my forehead lightly, his lips leaving a hot sensation where they once touched.

"He was talking about how cut you are. Which means he noticed that you were shirtless the other day." I smile, he does have a rather fantastic physique. Placing the mail on the counter I sit at the island, watching him hurry around the kitchen.

"Well then. You have some competition." I see him smirk at me. He's gained quite the sense of humor.

"Oh well." I stand, situating myself in front of him.

"What? You're not going to fight for me?"

"Well I will miss your cooking." I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing the side of his face.

"You are an interesting human."

"Well I sure hope so. That would just suck if I've been boring you this whole time."


Mel calls after a while to talk about herself. We're on the phone for hours, and I don't think she realizes that there's quite a bit of a time change from Maine to London. She tells me everything and anything. She talks about Moichi and how he's the cutest dog and everyone in the neighborhood loves him. She talks about how Ted is doing so well in his new job, and that he's already received two bonuses. She talks about how they're redoing their house, her shopping, and how she's quitting her job.

I like to think of myself as a good friend as I sit patiently and listen to her speak. I like to think that, but part of me knows I'm not being very good when I let my mind wander. Only half of me is listening as she drones on and on and on.

Of course my family calls as well, but it's mostly voicemails since the incidents with Mel and her endless talking have made me wearier of my phone and answering it.

Sesshoumaru and I float through our time in England. We spend most of it avoiding Ross.

We've figured out all his normal hiding spots. He always goes for the mail at the same time every day so I plan my days around those times, and always take the stairs. I've gained one thing from my avoidance, a fantastic butt from climbing all those stairs.

I convince Sesshoumaru to leave the sanctity of the apartment though, and on a particularly chilly day we venture out to Brighton.

When we step off the train, the snow has already begun to fall and everything is blanketed in a beautiful coating. It falls delicately around us as we trudge through the vacant streets.

No one is around. No one sees as we sit on the bench overlooking the ocean. No one looks at his beauty. No one sees me sneak kisses over his exposed flesh. Which isn't much considering it's so chilly out.

"I do not need these layers." He tells me, turning to face me. I roll my eyes and heave an exasperated breath. He's been tugging at his damn scarf the whole time.

"I thought you wanted to blend in?" He just looks out into the angry early winter ocean. I place my head on his shoulder gently, gazing towards the carnival that's closed down.

We trudge along the chilly beach, pebbles crunching under our feet. Sesshoumaru doesn't seem as amused as I am with all the pre-winter beauty surrounding us. There's this awful chill that looms around us.

I lead him into the town, into the streets and we roam. Just looking, in our beautiful silence. His eyes stay directly in front of us, he walks with perfect posture and takes precise steps towards our unknown destination.

I'm mimicking him as we turn onto a street. I narrow my eyes and try to look bored and uninterested.

"What are you doing?" He looks at me from the corner of his eye before turning his head.

"Imitating you." I swear I see a smirk.

"You're not doing a very good job."

"I'm sorry, staying stoic and composed all the time is rather hard." That's when his face erupts into a full blown smile.


End of Chapter Sixteen

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