Chapter Nine:

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Part Two: Maine

Chapter Nine:

The next morning I awake to a clawed hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently and wordlessly.

"Five more minutes, please?" I whine grabbing his hand and cradling it between my own, hugging it tightly.

"No. It's late enough we need to go to the grocery store." Groaning I pull his hand in closer.

"Mmmmm what time is it?" I don't dare open my eyes, I know the glare he's giving me because I am invading his personal space.

"Ten thirty." He answers, boredom laced in the words but I hear something else. Frustration.

"It's the weekend though! Can I not sleep in?" Rolling onto my back I finally let go of his hand that he retracts quickly back into its spot by his side.

"No sleeping in. We must get things done." He answers me sternly and I groan even louder than before in protest.

"Noooooooo..." My whining is cut short when strong arms slide beneath me, peeling me from the mattress and carrying me to our closet. He places me on my own two feet looking into the open doors.

"There, now most of the work is done for you, now choose clothing and let's go." He glides out of the door with a swish of silver hair. I watch him as he disappears downstairs. I wish for the warmth of his arms once more.

The once vaguely intimate moments we shared together in Vegas now seemed to be far in the past. Ever since we got to Maine we have been nothing but roommates, apart from our banter and small frustrating arguments we have said nothing of importance to each other.

We have not divulged any close guarded secrets, no dreams, no hopes, nothing of the personal matter.

I want nothing more than the warmth of his touch against my skin once more. My heart wants to know why he is here and what he plans to do. Am I nothing more than a stepping stone to the next place he plans on going? Am I a filler in the endless cycle of his life?

Nothing more than a nearby familiar moon, passing just close enough to get sucked into his orbit for a little bit longer. In time will I be thrown away when someone, or something pulls me back away from him?

Is Sesshoumaru using me? Why would he ever need to use a washed up priestess like me? Priestess is used lightly of course considering I never received any formal training other than from Kaede for the priestessy things and Jinenji for the healing herbs.

Sinking to the floor I sit cross legged in front of the open doors of the black hole that is our closet. There is no semblance of order within its small confines. We do not have a side each, or a section for each type of garment we own. Oh no, everything is shoved inside where we found space.

I don't know what to wear today, I don't even want to think about it actually. I want to lie in bed today and not think about anything. I don't want to have to deal with Melanie's voice mails, I don't want to call Souta back, I don't even want to have to think about the demon living in my bed with me.

A pang runs through my heart and I wish for it to go away. I am nothing more than a brief blink in his life to fill a void that I will never understand.

"Are you sleeping while sitting?" His voice rouses me as I bite my thumb. Standing in the doorway, arms crossed he looks at me. His eyes are soft, gentle, as if he will scare me away if he looks too hard. I look up at him.

"No. I'm thinking." He nods in understanding, but I know he doesn't understand why I'm sitting on the floor thinking when I should be getting dressed so we can go run errands.

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