Chapter Two:

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Part One: Vegas

Chapter Two:

Strolling down to the lobby, after scribbling a quick note to Mel and leaving it on my bed, a question scrolls into my mind. What will he wear?

The Sesshoumaru I once knew wore nothing but silk kimonos, the finest armour and that god awful pelt thing that did nothing but consume him. He was always pristine, always clean. Everything fell perfectly from his form like it was made just for him and no one else. Which in hindsight it probably was, considering he was a demon lord.

I'm sitting in the lobby when I get my answer. A suit, he's in a suit, at 7a.m. in Las Vegas heat, but of course, it's a dry heat.

We walk into the hotel's restaurant in silence. Neither of us said hello. We didn't even nod. I can feel his left arm close to my right as we wait to be seated.

The waitress is staring at him as she hands us our menus, but he does nothing but look at me, almost as if he doesn't understand why I'm here.

We sit, just looking at each other, for a long time. The waitress comes back and looks at him again. He orders nothing but coffee. I order the biggest grand slam breakfast they have with extra pancakes, an old hangover favourite of mine. The entire time the waitress is taking my order I can see her sneak glances at Sesshoumaru, the dog demon who is having coffee for breakfast.

When she leaves he helps himself to an immense amount of cream and sugar for his coffee.

I start to laugh and see his eyebrow twitch.

"We should probably talk." I throw him a smile and he does nothing but nod, sipping his coffee gently.

"It's so... surreal. Seeing you here. In these clothes. In this time. Doing what you do."

"Is it so different then your time with my half-brother? In the clothes you wore? Doing what you did?" He picks up the mug and lets the waitress look at him again. She gives me my food and I am so hungry I could have inhaled the whole thing in one bite. But the lady in me tells me I should chew my food before I choke.

"So, you're saying we have something in common?" He takes a graceful sip and I see his eyebrow twitch.

"We share some things you know. We're connected by many things. We're both misplaced. We have belonged in the wrong time. We fought for the same cause eons ago, and we lost the same person." I can't bring myself to say his name just yet. Not when his eyes are looking at me.

"But you loved the mutt. I did not." He says this almost in a correcting tone.

"I didn't say we were carbon copies of each other. But he was your brother."

"Half-brother." He corrects me and places a hand on the small table we're seated at. He leans back gracefully and looks up, letting out a long calculated breath.

"What did you ever see in him?" He asks the ceiling.

"I don't know, but it must have been beautiful, because I sure did stay for a long time." I answer to his upturned throat. He tilts his head back down and looks at his mug. I see his eyebrow twitch again.

"I think it was his stubborn personality, protective nature and those eyes full of mischief." I smile into my pancakeless plate. I put my elbows onto the table and shove my forehead into my hands, willing myself not to cry.

"I feel so pathetic crying over someone who died before I was born." I state calmly swatting away a stray tear. Still, no matter how many times I say it to myself I still can't believe it. I feel a twang of guilt that I haven't felt in a while.

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