I feel on edge still even though no one has said anything about Sesshoumaru's appearance yet. I have prepared some carefully constructed answers for every situation I could think of.

Out of the corner of my eye I see our host in question hone in on us. I avoid eye contact as she waves, walking over to us quickly.

"Well hello!" Bethany announces upon arrival. She gives Sesshoumaru a good look over before settling her eyes on me.

"Kagome how are you!? I never did catch your name when I was over the other day." Yet another out stretched hand for him to shake.

"Ichiro." Sesshoumaru answers with a nod, taking her hand gently.

"So, the two of you are living together now?" She tilts her head slightly, opening her eyes really wide and looks from me to him. Me to him. Then just at him. Her eyes travel up and down, taking him in.

Of course she is. Everyone is, just not everyone is as blunt as she is. He does look very nice today actually in his suit pants and crisp clean white shirt. I can just see the hint of magenta peaking out of the sleeves from the corner of my eye.

"Yes." He answers for me. I smile when her eyes flick over in my general direction.

"Well that's fabulous!" Her lips move up and I think she's smiling. She excuses herself and assimilates into another clump of neighbours.

"Town gossip. Don't tell her anything unless you want everyone to know." I whisper as someone else approaches us.

"Also she doesn't like me very much because Mel threw up in her rose bushes and they died and I had to replant them and it was a mess."

"Hey there! My name's Bill." He shakes Sesshoumaru's hand gruffly as his other hand holds a beer.


"New to the neighbourhood?" Bill lets go of Sesshoumaru's hand and shoves it into his pocket. Sesshoumaru nods.

"Well then! Why don't I introduce you to the guys?" He's already leading the way.

We part ways for a long time as I chat with Maggie about this and that. After a while I start to look for him, I start to miss the shadow beside me. I try to find him, try to catch his gaze but I can only see Bethany making a bee line for Maggie and I, flock in toe.

I can see the burning desire of her want to ask so many questions. She takes a deep breath and poses her first question.

"So you're just living together?" I nod. She says this like it's against the law. I don't know what to say.

"Well, isn't that quaint. And he's so... unique looking." She flashes me a smile while looking in his direction. He's still standing awkwardly holding the beer he hasn't even taken a sip from. He covered up his markings as soon as we got off the plane, and hasn't shown them since.

I am the only one that he uncovers them for. Every once and a while he will grace my presence with the crescent moon and stripes. I relish those moments because they seem so few and far between now. I feel like he's hiding off pieces of himself and only letting me see them.

"Yes, so... exotic looking." Terry agrees. I take another breath. He sees me looking at him. I plead for him to save me.

"I guess he is." I answer absently, looking at Terry. Her and Bethany are making love to him with their eyes.

"Oh well hello we were just talking about you! I see you've met my husband Bill." Bethany's smiling. She looks from his exposed arms to his neck to his eyes.

"Yes, he's quite nice." I feel better with him by my side. I press my shoulder against him so I can feel the warmth of his body, just to make sure he's really there.

"We should all get together sometime for a nice couples dinner party." Terry suggests, smiling her open mouthed smile and looking rather happy with herself.

"Yes that would be fabulous!" I smile and look for his support. My hand connects with his, I take a breath. Exit located.


The day after the barbecue is a Monday, which means I have to go to work. Consequently, this means that I need to get up before the sun, a problem that I want to take up with my boss. But alas I kind of like my job so I suck it up, get out of bed, pack my lunch and get to work.

Work is nothing but phone calls and meetings and more phone calls and more meetings and people who don't understand simple tasks. So when I get through the front door, after the sun has set, and I get a fluffy ball of fur leaping onto my feet and panting, I'm happy that someone is glad to see me.

"Happy I'm home?" I lie on the couch and place my head on his knee. Sesshoumaru places his book on the side table before kissing my forehead.

"Very. We have baked goods." He informs me moving my head and standing.

"You baked?" He shakes his head.

"Then why do we have delicious sugary confections in the house? Did you buy them?" I sit on the bar stool in the kitchen. Our counter top is loaded with cakes, cookies, pie, I think I even see a casserole hidden in there. He slides a large pile of cards across the table to me.

"Our neighbours gave us all this?" He nods and plucks a card from the top of the pile.

"To our new neighbour. Welcome to the subdivision! Come over anytime you need anything. Sincerely Bev and Jon." I hold back a laugh. A demon war lord shouldn't be receiving welcome cards. I never even received a welcome card and I moved in two years ago.

We eat cake for dinner that night, while reading all of the cards and letters. I love the way he reads them, he even tries to sound excited when a sentence has an exclamation point at the end.


End of Chapter Ten

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