Chapter 23: To Be a Salmon

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What do I do now?

I can't go back, the rapids are too strong and I'd wind up smashed against the rocks. If I was a smaller fish I could just ride the current but with my size it's impossible. In front of me is a massive waterfall, and to my sides are treacherous cliff walls.

The water deepens over the ridge, the impact of the water having created a dip in the river and shoving up the sediment to create that ridge. I could try to hide out under the waterfall, but I can't underestimate the strength of thousands of gallons of water falling at high velocity. If I try to swim down there I may not be able to make my way back up.

That leaves me with three options. One, try to go back. Two, attempt to climb the waterfall, and three, climb up the cliff.

There's no way I'm making it up that waterfall, I stare up at the intimidatingly huge wall of water. But with my climbing skill, I have a chance to get out if I scale the cliff walls!

I turn to the cliff wall on my right and use my water jump to gain some air, clinging to it with my claws. Alright! Time to get up!

It's not as easy as I'd thought it would be.

My claws cut straight into wood and stay there until I remove them. They won't pierce the stone quite as easily, so I'm stuck trying to find rocks that can hold my weight. That's not easy with how heavy my body is.

Exhaustion from the tough swim was already sinking in before I started my climb, but now it's magnified, but... I have to make it. If I don't, I'll fall into the current. If I can't catch myself I'll be pulverized against the rocks in the river.

One claw after another, I climb. It's slow and treacherous going, and I feel myself getting more and more exhausted with every move I make. My chest heaves while my lungs work overtime trying to pump enough oxygen into my system both to recover from my exhaustion and to continue climbing.

I finally make it to the halfway point, claws scrambling against what I think is a solid grip.

Got it!

I go to heave myself up, but it's not to be. The rock breaks off, and suddenly I find myself in free fall. Nonononono!

I splash back into the water, releasing the chunk of rock in my grip, and quickly turn to the waterfall once more. I was so close!

But I won't last much longer. I'm exhausted, climbing didn't level up, and I can't afford to keep climbing and hoping it does. I'll exhaust myself before that happens.

The title Omniaquae has reached lv 3.

It's probably because of how frantic my breathing is, but now's not the time to think about it.

No, for now... I have to do it. If I can't climb the cliff walls, then my only choice is to do as the salmon does and try to climb the waterfall.

But how do I do that? I can't just jump at it, can I?

I have to try it!

The skills I've gained from this venture are water jump, water climb, charge, current defiance, and the title skill upriver migrator. If I want to get up there I'll have to use them. If I can't, I'm in for a long ride down the rapids, and I doubt that will bode well for me at all.

I leap at the waterfall, activating my gliding skill. Alright, if this is how it's going to be, let's do this!

Water Climb is next, which I combine with my normal climbing skill to scramble up the first section of rock. I'd never thought of combining skills like this before, but it looks like it's possible...

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