Chapter 8: Ruins Exploration

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After much deliberation, I think I figured it out.

Me and Little Shark hunted the Cthulhu Hatchling after we were done with the kappa, and it looks like we both gained a level after that fight. When that battle ended, I also got EXP for that fight, so I'm going to assume that exp is an abbreviation... likely for experience. By gaining experience in fighting, I can eventually level up... is what I think is happening here.

Little Shark was a bit confused when I found us a secluded cave to sleep in instead of joining the rest of the swarm. I was certain that it would join them when they left, but instead it decided to hang out with me. We stayed up to watch the swarm leave and the rest of the night life commence, and then fell asleep in a weird cuddle pile that Little Shark insisted on.

By the way, I now have cuteness resistance lv 3 from not going with Little Shark to join the swarm. To think it would go up this much from saying no once... maybe it's because its cuteness level is maxed out.

In any case, I've woken up again to another cuddle pile. Little Shark is probably still the one who's trying to snuggle into my body (why it's attached itself to me I don't know, but it really seems to want to stick around), but there's a whole bunch of us snoozing in the area too.

Is this just how Nanaue sleep? In massive cuddle piles with the first other shark they find?

Maybe if I'm quick I can leave and make Little Shark think I'm someone else.

I carefully scoot away from Little Shark, swimming up out of the cave.

Should I really leave it like this though? I feel like that'd be really mean...

No, I should probably leave it behind. If it's lower leveled than me, it'll dry out faster too. That'll cut down on the amount of time I can spend exploring. Not to mention if it comes with me there also comes the problem of having another mouth to feed... though it probably wouldn't be too hard. So far it looks like hunting on the reef hasn't been too bad.

And it really did seem to be attached to me for some reason...

Guilt Resistance has become lv 4.

Ouch, just from that?

Alright, either way, I've made up my mind. Best not to think about Little Shark from this point out. I'm headed to shore.

I swim up to the shore quickly, not wanting to give myself time to turn back. This time, when the ground hits my feet, I remember to switch from gills to lungs. I surface far more elegantly this time, if I do say so myself.

Alright, first stop: the ruined human village.

I head up the shore towards where I remember the human village to be. Now that I know where to go, the walk is actually a lot shorter this time.

As I arrive at the gates once more, I peer in again. There's a fresh wave of footprints along the ground, and I spy an ominous skeleton. It looks like a Nanaue that's much bigger than me, but it's been stripped down to the bone.

So they really do eat each other when they come up here.

I enter the village cautiously, looking for any sign of a threat. It becomes clear, however, that this part of the village is empty.

Nothing lives here anymore.

My explorations take me first through an old, creaky wooden house. I explore the first floor, finding the remains of furniture scattered about where the others of my kind had destroyed it. Ominous darker stain coat portions of the walls, and I can smell blood.

This must be the smell of human blood.

This whole scenario is really creepy... even though I know all the other Nanaue are back in the reefs sleeping right now I still feel like one will pop out at any moment...


I whip around, jaws parted in surprise, to see...


Oh, no wait.

The shark prances up to me happily in that weird waddle we do on land, seeming excited and tail wagging like a dog's.

Oh thank god it's just Little Shark.

If I was capable of making noise I'd have sighed in relief. As it is, I can only make the gesture.

Little Shark stops, scrutinizes me for a second, and then mimics the gesture.

Title Acquired: Role Model lv 1

Wait what.

Am I teaching this shark weird habits? Oh boy, maybe I should have tried more to act like a real Nanaue around Little Shark... no, actually, how did it find me in the first place? Did it scent-track me or something?

Actually that's probably it.

Oh well. I just have a little tag along now and I guess I just have to get used to it.

I look around the building some more, Little Shark prancing about as if expecting me to do something. As I start climbing a set of stairs awkwardly, it loses interest and starts running about looking for other things to do.

Well sorry for being so boring.

It seems like the upstairs is in much better shape than downstairs. It's probably because only a lv 1 or 2 Nanaue could comfortably fit up the staircase. I had a bit of trouble as it is.

Inside of these rooms, I'm greeted by a scene of ancient tragedy.

Clearly, this family attempted to shelter here when the Nanaue came through. There are several sets of bones that remain, including two Nanaue, a child, and what was likely her father, a metal spear not far from his corpse.

Looks like they got them in the end.

I back away from the room, feeling like I very much do not have the right to be here. Not after what the others did. It's not my fault, I wasn't here to stop them, but...

I don't think I would have tried even if I'd known. One shark against thousands will end more swiftly than a moth flying to an electric light. The effort would be futile.

I descend the stairs and begin to wander the streets. What should have been a somber journey is ruined by Little Shark prancing about in the background with a bucket stuck to its head. I decide to ignore it for the moment, instead continuing my walk through the destroyed human town.

Soon, though, I catch a scent on the wind. It smells strange, not a scent I've ever smelled before. Well, most of the scents I'm familiar with are either food or disgusting, so maybe I'm just not the best judge, but that doesn't exactly do anything to change the fact that I cannot identify this scent.

Maybe Little Shark could, but...

I turn and watch it pry at the bucket with its foreclaws.

Eh, I'm sure it's not that urgent.

I'm almost immediately proven wrong. A huge shadow swoops over my head. I spin around, eyes focusing on the path it took, all the way to a building with a collapsed roof. Upon a closer inspection I can see a huge mass of sticks coming out of the roof.

So that's what I smelled? Shit, that's a nest, and a big one! Not to mention...

A massive bird swoops out of the sky, landing on the edge of the stone building's wall. It spreads its bright gold wings and screams loudly, the call reverberating like an eagle's.

A single status inspection is all it takes to know what we're up against.

Name: ___

Species: Garuda

Lv: 50/100

I don't have to look any farther than that to know that this will be impossible. I turn, grab Little Shark by the back of its neck, and run.

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