Chapter 36: Slimy Doctors

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Will she make it? Will our genius little doctors be able to save her? Well I certainly hope they can, I had so much planned for this story! Good luck little guys, you better not let us down! If she dies here all my readers will murder me.


The slime that stayed hovers around me worriedly, checking all my injuries while still petting my nose. Being petted like this is still surprisingly nice and comforting, and I think I understand why dogs and cats like it so much.

A quick glance at my HP reveals that even as this happens, I'm still slowly dying. It's already back down to 31, and my water bar is lowering fast despite my tail still being submerged. It flickers back up once now and then, but it's draining faster than I can replenish it like this.

I open my eyes at the sound of more squishing in the distance, and then close them again. The sounds slowly grow closer, so I slowly reopen my eyes as the slimes return.

They deposit a huge amount of herbs on the ground in front of the ringleader, who is probably in all likelihood Ladra. Ladra's body distorts and encompasses the herbs, which dissolve inside of its body.

My HP takes another sudden dip from the poison, lowering to 20. I haven't had HP this low since I was a lv 1 Nanaue.

Ladra spits out a large orb of some kind of greenish glowing liquid, and then starts trying to pry my jaw open.

Is that some kind of medicine? I don't think it'll help at this point, but...

I pry my own jaw open, taking a lot of effort to relax it after gritting my teeth for so long without realizing. He deposits the little pill-like capsule into my mouth as far back as he can and closes my jaw.

Taking the hint, I swallow it. It'll probably take a bit to take effect. I hope I'm still alive by the time it...


My eyes blink wide as a sudden rush of something courses through my veins, and I feel the weakness vanishing at a startling rate. I check my status screen and am astonished by what I see.

Poisoned(Minor), Exhausted(major), and Necrosis. That's it. The last one is horrifying, but that's all that's left of the small army of negative effects I had before.

My eyes shoot to Ladra in astonishment as he commands one of the slimes to go get more materials and then makes another potion with a separate pile of herbs before gesturing for me to open my mouth. What is this miracle snake-oil medicine? How do I go from Death's door to almost fine in a matter of seconds? Ladra what in all that is holy ARE you???

The second potion restores a portion of my HP. I go from 20 HP to 40 in the blink of an eye. It's not a full recovery, but it's an astounding improvement from where I was.

The second slime helper has hopped over to my tail, where it's working on doing something to the honestly horrifying-looking stinger wounds on my tail. I didn't want to look back there for this reason, but sure enough I can see necrosis already creating black pits in my flesh. The red slime also has made some kind of poultice and is working on cleaning the dead flesh and applying it to the wounds. The whole process is strangely painless.

I use a status inspection on that slime. Its name is Duna and it holds the title of Slime Medic. I don't know why slimes would need this kind of medicine in the first place, but clearly they know what they're doing.

The other one returns with more herbs, which it turns over to Ladra. He makes another potion out of them and holds it up to my mouth. I carefully take it from him, trying hard not to scrape him with my teeth, and swallow the potion. My status of Poisoned [minor] disappears completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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