Hi number neighbor :) (1)

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Hi number neighbor ;)

Number neighbor


who r u?


ur my number neighbor

ur numbers only one number different than mine

Number neighbor

i get that but who r u

u shouldnt b able to get this number :/


oh how rude

i didnt introduce myself

im Peter without a b

Number neighbor

there's no b in peter tho


i know

thats what i said

whats ur name

Number neighbor

thats classified

choose sth



ill call u...


like tony stark ya know

cause hes awesome



well i gtg work

bye peter


bye anthony! :D

I put my phone in my pocket as I arrive at my destination, home. I wonder what ''Anthony'' does as a job. He's older than me, that's for sure.

''Hey May! I'm home!'' I yell as I'm walking towards the kitchen.

''Hey sweetie, how was school?'' She asks while giving me a hug.

''Oh you know, the usual. I had an Algebra test which I nailed by the way!'' I say proudly while walking to the fridge for some leftover pizza.

''That's great sweetie, but I really have to go to the hospital now for work. There's some money on the counter for food! I larb you!'' She says quickly ''Larb you!'' I reply while dumping my homework on my desk.

I don't really have homework since I already did it at school. I guess I can go out as Spider-Man for awhile.

I grab my suit and quickly throw it on.

''Hello Peter. There's a robbery happening two streets away from here. Would you like me to give you the fastest route there?'' KAREN asks the moment I put on my mask. I smile before answering. ''Yes please, KAREN.'' I say.

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