Peter Parker has ADHD

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*Peter's POV*

It was supposed to be a normal Friday. Wake up at 6:30 AM, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed for school, eat breakfast and then go to school until 2:30 PM. Then go to Stark Towers and spend the weekend at Mr. Stark's. That's not what happened though. You see, I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age. They made me take medication for it. Two weeks ago I noticed that I was almost out of medication, I was supposed to tell my aunt May.... But I forgot... and now I'm out of medication. I'll manage though. It'll be fine. I noticed that it was now 7:45 AM and that I have to hurry to school or I'll be late.

*Time skip*

I arrive at school and walk to Ned. "Hey man!'' he says as I walk up to him. ''Hey Ned! There was this crazy robbery at the bank when I was walking to school! and then there were like 5 police cars chasing this man, I'd say he's around 40-'' ''Peter!'' he says. ''You're rambling. Again. And we've gotta get to class.'' ''Right... Sorry... Let's go.'' We get to class, it's math. The teacher starts teaching but I get distracted and by the time I want to copy what he wrote down he's already removing it from the board. Shit. ''Ned, can I copy from you? I got distracted and forgot to copy from the board...'' I whisper to Ned. Ned just looks at me and nods. ''Yo Penis! Stop bouncing your leg, you freak.'' I just look at Flash and say ''Shut up.'' While copying Ned's work.

I'm currently at lunch and I'm waiting for Ned. Oh! There he is, I wave at him and he comes to me and sits down. MJ is there too. Suddenly MJ speaks up ''What's your deal Parker?'' I look at her with a confused look. "What do you mean?'' I ask. ''You've been getting really distracted and it looks like you can't sit still either. How come?'' She says. I look at Ned and ask ''Is it really that obvious?'' He just nods and continues eating his sandwich. ''I- Look, I have ADHD and today I realized I don't have any medication anymore.'' MJ looks at me and says ''Sucks, loser.'' Ned and I start talking about LEGO's and other stuff. ''Don't you have your internship today?'' Ned asks. ''Shit! I completely forgot!'' Ned starts to laugh as we walk to our last class.

After class I walk to my locker and then walk to Happy as fast as I can, knowing he doesn't like to wait. I get in the car and start talking. ''Hey Happy! Ned got this really cool LEGO set! It has about 5.000 pieces! Do you happen to know if Mr. Stark has any plans for today? Oh and I'm planning to add extra-'' I stop talking as happy puts the divider up and try to do my homework. By the time we arrive at the tower I've done exactly nothing for my homework. I sigh as I get inside of the tower.

''Hello Peter, how was your day?'' FRIDAY asks. ''Hey FRIDAY! It was good. Ned got a new LEGO set and we're planning on building it soon. Do you know where Mr. Stark is?'' I say as I get into the elevator. I start pacing around in the elevator as Friday answers with ''Boss is in the penthouse, would you like me to take you to him?'' ''Yes please, thank you FRIDAY!'' I say as the elevator starts moving. I get out of the elevator and immediately bump into Mr. Stark. ''I'm sorry Mr. Stark, I didn't see you standing there and I was just excited to get to the lab and I had so many new idea-'' ''Pete. Calm down. You're going to pass out if you don't breathe.'' I chuckle a bit before me and Mr. Stark go down to the lab. I try and work my ideas out but nothing seems to grasp my attention. ''Pete, maybe it's better if we go to the lab later, you're moving a lot and you haven't done anything with your ideas yet. Is something wrong?'' I just look at him and shrug as I walk into the elevator to the penthouse. He follows me. Once we get to the kitchen in the penthouse he asks again, ''Is something wrong Pete? You know you can always talk to me, right?'' I look at him and nod. ''Then why is your attention span shorter than the one of a puppy?'' he asks ''I've never seen you like this before, Peter.'' I look at him and sigh. ''I have ADHD'' I finally say. He looks at me with a questioning look before saying ''Yes, well, why aren't you taking your medication?'' I stare at him before replying with ''Because today I found out that I'm out of medication.'' He just looks at me and shrugs while saying ''Guess no lab this weekend. What about a movie, huh?'' I laugh and soon enough we start our own movie night.

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