Leg 1.2: Los Angeles, USA

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Leg 1.2

Just for clarification, I do want to say a few things. I'm trying to make nice Nagito, like how he was pre-chapter 1. I feel like if there's no killing game or if there's no explicit hope vs despair, he'll be pretty normal. I don't remember what happened in DR3 with him though lol. The people of class 78th already know that Chihiro is a guy, but the people from the other two classes don't. Also, Japan speaks english, so they won't have a language barrier in English speaking countries but they will when they go to more foreign nations. I will also be downplaying Nagito's luck. He'll still be lucky, just not as lucky as he was in DR2 and DR3.

Also, if you would like, I could do a little 'Elimination Station' where you can see the eliminated teams at the race's halfway mark as well as right before the finale. They'll also be watching and reacting to the footage to see what's happening.

Later Flight: 20 Minutes Delayed 3:35

The teams sprinted through LAX, practically barrelling over the other passengers and people exiting the plane.

Cbeleste and Akane

Akane gripped Celeste's wrist and was practically dragging her through the airport as Celeste's feet barely caught up to her.

"Stop, you're ruining my shoes!" Celeste screamed. Akane didn't listen and didn't stop until they were out by the taxi line.

Hajime and Chiaki

They hopped into a taxi. "Hollywood Walk of Fame. As quick as possible, we're in a race!" Hajime ushered.

Miu and Kazuichi

"We got to the airport fast enough to get on the hour earlier flight," Kazuichi said. "But we got delayed twenty minutes so they're going to close in behind us."

"Of course, you moron! That's how math works!" Miu shouted.

Hiro and Rantaro

"Hollywood Walk of Fame, please," Rantaro directed in a very nonchalant voice.

Chihiro and Hina

Chihiro and Hina sat in the back of their cab.

"I don't think anyone's caught on that we're in the back. There's no one behind us." Hina said.

"We have to keep that a secret," Chihiro replied. "But if someone asks, tell them the truth. We don't want to make enemies this early."

Shuichi and Kaede

Shuichi and Kaede were in their cab, as Kaede was leaning forwards and pointing towards the road.

"Is that Nekomaru and Nagito?" Kaede asked. Shuichi leaned forwards as he saw the unmistakable shape of Nekomaru.


Kaede leaned to the driver. "You see those people in that cab? That's our competition. We need to go faster than them at all costs."

The cab driver sped up, passing Nagito and Nekomaru.

Nagito and Nekomaru

"Wait, was that Shuichi and Kaede?" Nagito asked. He leaned forwards to the cabbie. "We need to go faster, please."

"No, I can't. I can get pulled over if I go faster than them."

Sonia and Kaito

"Do you think we will see any actors?" Sonia asked.

"If we do, I probably wouldn't know. I don't watch American movies."

Tenko and Himiko

Tenko and Himiko finally reached the Walk of Fame.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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