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So the P.O.Vs will be all over the place, but there is reason for it. Sorry for jumping from person to person for the P.O.Vs

Mina's P.O.V

We had just rounded the corner after saying bye to Shinsou and Aizawa. "He seemed nice," I said as we walked towards Y/n's apartment.

They grunted, taking out their phone and earbuds. Frowning, i stared at them until they looked at me.

"What, Ashido?"

"You seem off, your moves were slow during dance, and you brought in a complete stranger to the group," I retorted as we kept walking.

"Yeah, so what? And I'm fine, you know better than to say shit like that," they said coldly. There was a pause before they spoke again, softly, "You know i don't do things without reason, please dont doubt me.."

I just nodded as we walked up to the complex. As i was about to turn to make my leave, Y/n mumbled.

"Sorry I reacted the way I just did," they paused, "but um it's late, maybe you should stay?" I sighed looking at the time on my phone, 11:20 p.m. it read. 'Maybe i should stay, itll be another good 15-25 minutes to get home.' Nodding, y/n opened the door letting me in.

The rest of the night we spent it eating instant noodles and binging snacks while watching disney movies. I looked over to her digital clock, 2:26 a.m.. I was pretty tired, but y/n was still up. "Hey y/n, imma go to sleep. Ok?", i said looking at them, they just nodded in response. I was trying to make myself comfortable on the couch when they spoke up, "Take my bed, it'll be more comfy." I nodded getting up and thanking them as i made my way to her room. I walked into her room and made a beeline to the bed, flopping down. 'I wish i could help them more,' i thought as i laid there.

Bakugo's P.O.V

The boys and I had left first, making our way towards our shared flat. I sighed closing my eyes, slightly worried at y/n's behavior. 'They're getting reckless again, mayb-' my train of thought got cut off by Kaminari being stupid.

"Hey Bakugo! Stop moping around, or are you sad because y/n brought in someone new?", he smirked.

This ticked me off. "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, DUNCE FACE!", I yelled at him as he snickered. I sighed, getting into my thoughts again. Kirishima noticed.

"You're worried about them, aren't you?", he asked, the other two falling quiet. I nodded, how could i not?! I'd known y/n since we were kids along with shitty Deku. She was like a sister to me. Sero spoke next.

"But why? Y/n seemed perfectly fine!"

"If you payed attention you'd have seen their moves were slower than usual," I replied.



We dropped the subject, me walking in front of the trio of fools. Finally making it home, we each went to oyr separate rooms, Kirishima following me to ours shared one since we were dating. I flopped onto the bed without another word.

"I know you're worried for them,  but you know more than anyone that they can handle whatever gets thrown their way," he spoke softly as he sat down beside me. I grunted in response. "Lets just go to sleep," I sighed as I pulled him towards me to lay down. Pushingthe last thoughts of y/n out of my head, i closed my eyes and slept.

Mina's P.O.V (just real quick! Gomene!)

Not even a few minutes after i laid down, i heard the click of the room door and feet shuffling. I could sense where y/n was moving around, grabbing things and just like that they shuffled out of the room. The sound of the front door opening and closing made me sit up, frowning. I sighed and decided there was nothing i could do, reluctantly going back to sleep.

Shinsou's P.O.V

All of anxiety I had pent up throughout the day, was resurfacing. Too many thoughts in my head racing through. I couldn't help but think of my encounter with y/n and everything that happened there after. I flopped onto the bed. 'Another sleepless night,' i sighed as i laid there in bed. The word "friends" replaying in my head from what Aizawa had said. I didnt know if i could call them that, and it kind of ticked me off to her him call them that. He knew that i wasn't sociable, after all getting bullied all throughout school wasnt much of a personality builder to make friends. Looking over at my clock, I sat up. 3:31 a.m.. Damn, had I really been up that long. I shook my head, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, downing it in one go and then heading back to my room.

Opening the curtains and window, i could see the stars shine against the shimmer of city lights. The night was refreshing and some mist covered the surroundings like a blanket. I sighed, 'i just need some fresh air, it won't hurt.' I grabbed a dark purple sweater and threw it on. Grabbing my phone and earbuds, i exited my room and headed towards the front door. I clicked the door shut behind after putting on my shoes and walking out, heading towards the old park with a playground that was about 20 minutes away.

The mist around me seemed so ethereal, it was beautiful. It shone in the moonlight. I sighed happily as I arrived at the small park. Looking around it seemed empty, until i looked towards the top of the conical tower holding the slide. A top the tower sat a figure, so still i thought i was hallucinating. That is until the moved, placing a large object in front of their face. At this point my curiousity got the better of me and i started to move towards them until i was close enough to see who it was. My eyebrows immediately shot up, surprised at who i was seeing.


Whoopsy daisies, i know this is late im sorry. But here's another chapter and also... do people actually read and like this story?? Im feeling a bit insecure avout the story and considering stopping, idk... anyways hope yall enjoy, ill try to get another chapter out soon !

>>>love insomnia

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