A friendly Shoulder

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Abhimanyu revealed his deepest secrets to Amiey. He also thought to tell her what was in his mind.

Amiey - Tell me

Abhimanyu  -  Well if you insist I can tell you but it may take some time. My father is a Halwai. We have a sweet shop. I belong to a middle class family.

Nowadays people prefer to have desserts and not Indian sweets. Our business is not that big. I'll tell but wipe away your tears.

We have some financial problems in our family

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We have some financial problems in our family. Apart from that my Sister is suffering from Cancer. Her treatment takes a lot of money but as far as we are together there is no problem.

I am the first one in our family to be educated and I want to expand our business. Everyone has hopes with me which I can't break. I have to support my family and I work in 3 different places to earn some money.

I don't get time like you all get. I don't have so many friends like you and I don't go to the cafeteria and disco. I don't have time to use Instagram.

My every single day is a struggle , a challenge. Now tell me Amiey is your problem bigger than my problems. Are your problems even real ?

Amiey - I agree with you. But how do you manage so many things.

Abhimanyu - If you want you can do it. Your love life was a beautiful dream which is now over. Just remember the beautiful moments that you have spent together.

Amiey - Yeah sure. Have you ever fallen in love before ?

 Have you ever fallen in love before ?

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Abhimanyu - Never. I am a straight forward person so can I say something ?

Amiey - Ya Sure.

Abhimanyu - When I Saw you for the first time I fell for you. I started liking you. I got a crush on you. Your innocence attracted me strangely.

But when I saw your strength while talking with Natasha I realised that you are a strong girl. And when I saw your love for Ayaan I was totally flattered.

If you can love Ayaan so passionately how much love you would give to the one who loves you back. And that day I actually fell in love with you.

Don't worry I don't need an answer. I always wanted to tell you this but I have never been so brave enough to confess.

I think I should leave now. Don't worry much and concentrate on your performance for tomorrow.

Abhimanyu left but he left Amiey in shock. Amiey couldn't digest so many shocks. Now Amiey goes to her house.
Ayaan reaches Amiey's house late night.

Ayaan - I am responsible for your condition

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Ayaan - I am responsible for your condition. I apologise but I know it won't be enough. But because of my mistake I can't let you lose yourself.

Because of me you have spoilt your career I can't let you spoil your tomorrow's performance. If we have something between us then you must do your best.
I am going back. But the rest I leave upto you.

What will happen in the fest ?
What will Amiey do of Abhimanyu ?
Will Natasha and Ayaan get together ?

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