Chapter 20

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I was getting worried. Who was Brandon on the phone with? Was he cheating on me?

My thoughts were interrupted by Annie.

"Hey. OMG! You were so good last night girl! You tots rocked like the WHOLE stadium! It was so awesome!" she said, laughing.

I smiled. Annie saw me and frowned.

"What's wrong?" she said.

I looked at her.

"Nothing! Why?" I said.

Annie rolled her eyes and sat down in front of me.

"Jules, I've known you for a long time. I know when something's wrong. Spill it." she said.

I sighed before taking a deep breath.

"Well...this fame. It isn't what I thought it would be." I said, frowning.

"What do ya mean?" Annie said, stuffing a waffle in her mouth.

It's just....I'm always busy now. I never have any time to hang out with you or Brandon. And when I do have time, I'm exhausted. I dunno. I just..I feel like I kinda jumped in too soon. I don't know what to do. " I said, looking down.

Annie smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I get it. I once got offered a big acting career when I was five. It was great! I got to be in commercials, TV shows, and movies for like a year! I had it all. Except for friends. I didn't have any friends because I never had time. After a year, I quit. I was just so sad. So, my dad and me moved to San Francisco. Then I met you and Bec, and I haven't been sad since." she said.

Okay....WOW! This was a lot to take in. Annie? Actor? Really?!

"How come you never told me about this?!" I asked, surprised.

Annie smiled.

"Because I was a new Annie. I wasn't going back to being "Annie the Actress". Plus, you didn't  need to know that. You liked me for who I was, that's what mattered." she said, sitting back down.

I smiled. That made me feel better. 

"So, tell me the other thing you're mad about." she said.

What?! How did she know?

"I know, how do I know right? Because I'm a good friend. I know you Jules. You can't keep a secret from me! Now tell me." she said, bossy-like.

I sighed and told her all about when I had heard Brandon on the phone.

She frowned, smiled, and listened. Annie was perfect! And so was Brandon.

Or.....was he?


It was 8:00pm when Allie said,

"Brandon, Annie, and Juliet, you have to go to sleep now because the bus is gonna drive to the airport in 3 hours. So, you need to get some sleep before we go to Sydney. So everyone to your rooms!"

"You're not the boss of me! Who do you think you are?!" said Annie, standing up.

Allie glared at her and pushed her back down in her chair.

"Actually Annie, I am the boss of you! I'm older, more responsible, and Juliet's manager! So.....GO TO SLEEP! NOW!" screamed Allie.

Okay. She's crazy! Almost as crazy as.......WAIT A SECOND!

"What's your last name?" I blurted out, standing up.

Allie rolled her eyes and was about to push my shoulders down. But before she could, I slapped her hand down.

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