Chapter 3

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I couldn't see anything. I could only hear sound. 

I heard someone yell something. I heard groans and moans. Oh wait. Never mind, that was me.

 I did hear fighting though. I heard someone scream. I heard another one still chanting "Fight, fight, fight, fight!" Then I heard someone yell, "Leave her alone, Brody!" 

I fluttered my eyes open. I ached all over. I looked down on the floor and saw blood. 

Wow. I really did lose the fight. Geez. Could this day get any worse?

I was about to pick myself up when I felt someone lifting me to my feet.

And it wasn't just anyone, it was a guy! OMG, OMG, OMG! I am being lifted by a guy!

I could feel his muscles grabbing my arms. Then he hoisted me over his shoulder like I was a bag or something! 

Not the best way to carry an injured girl, but I'll take it. As long as he's helping me...

I woke up in the nurses office. I wasn't able to move. I just lay there staring at the ceiling fan.

The someone said, "You okay?" I turned my head and made out an image of a guy sitting in a plastic chair.

I moaned which was supposed to be a "Yeah, thanks for asking. Whoever you are"

I felt dizzy. I tried to get up but he got up and pushed me back down. I didn't appreciate his so called "kindness". 

I was able to take care of myself, thank you very much! I finally managed to make out some words in English.

"W-who are y-you?" I asked in a croaky voice.

"My names Brandon, I am a high schooler here." he replied.

"I saw you get beat up. Dang girl! Don't mess with Brody. He doesn't play games." he said.

"I know." I said, getting up, "I just experienced it."

He rolled his eyes. I laughed. This dude was funny.

"So why'd you stand up to him then? He would've left you alone if you hadn't of messed with him." Brandon said. 

He looked like he had a lot of questions. So did I. I figured I would tell him what happened first, though.

I told him everything. From me being nervous about going to school to me waking up in the nurses office.

Brandon was a good listener. He nodded his head when I asked him relatable things, and he made funny faces when I told him about my terrible burning contest with Brody.

I liked him. Not loved him, but I liked him. As a friend.

Then he told me what had happened while I was knocked out.

"I saw him punch you and I pushed my way through the crowd to see who he punched. When I saw you on the floor I was really mad. I didn't know Brody would stoop that low. Then I punched him and he fell on the ground. I told him to back-off you." said Brandon, looking tired.

"I heard you say that" I said. "Then I felt you lift me off the ground. I have to say, I wasn't too impressed with the way you carried me-" I said. Then he interrupted me.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know how to carry you correctly so I kinda just hoisted you over my shoulder.." He replied. Looking like he had done something wrong.

"No, no. It's okay" I reassured him. 

I was happy he saved me. I bet you there were so many girls watching us. 

Truth is, I was proud that he saved me. Now I wouldn't be known a the girl who never knew a boy this year.

Right then, I remembered. What? That I was at school! Annie and Becca must have been waiting for me at homeroom! And I never came!

"OMG! I forgot!" I said, thinking I said that in my head.

"What's wrong?!" asked Brandon, startled.

Wait, I said that out-loud ? Oh gosh! How embarrassing! I thought to myself.

"Uh...nothing. I just need to get to class." I said, not completely lying.

"Oh, right! I'll walk you there." Brandon said. Guess he forgot about the time too.

I blushed. We started walking towards homeroom. Eeek!

Everyone must think he's my boyfriend! Wow! 

Am I actually becoming popular?!

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