Chapter 4

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My heart was pounding. Normally, when people look at me, it's because I have a huge stain on my shirt that I didn't notice.

But this time was different! I was with Brandon Emerson. I felt liked. I felt cool.

I had never felt this feeling before. I had never felt like I was cool.

At least, I felt cool. But then something happened that changed that feeling I had.

A group of girls walked out. I had never seen them before. Probably because last year, I didn't want to get involved in any drama. And I mean ANY!

The girl in front looked like she was a model. She strutted down the hallway.

She snapped to the girl in the back and the girl came up to her. Then the girl applied a coat of red lipstick to the front ones lips.

I was so confused. Who are these girls? Why haven't I seen them before? 

I was blinded by the pink that all the girls were wearing. There was about four of them. They each had on a different coat of pink.

"Who are those girls?" I whispered at Brandon.

"The Blonde Squad" he whispered back.

"Why are they" I asked.

"They are the popular group of the school. They have the power to make your lives miserable. If they like you, you're good. But if they don''re dead meat." 

I thought he was joking. But his face looked dead serious. 

"The front ones Taylor George." He continued, "Then you have Adrienne Williams, Sophie Johnson, and Lauren Smith. They rule the school." he said, pulling me away from Taylor.

I looked at them. They were really pretty. And they sure looked vicious. I felt like Adrienne was staring into my soul.

"How do you know all that? How do you know they're vicious?" I asked, eagerly.

 Brandon sighed. "I used to be Taylor's boyfriend. She was awful, though. She would always boss me around and flirt with me in front of other girls. I hated it."  Brandon sighed again.

"Well, if you hated it so much then why were you even with her in the first place?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know. She was nice at first and then before I knew it, she had me wrapped around her little finger. But I don't like her anymore. I like someone else."

Brandon put his arms on my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

Oh crap. This guy really does like me. Wow! But do I like him back?

Before I could even think about it I heard a yell.


I looked around and was surprised to see Becca and Annie rushing my way!

They ran right towards me and I almost fell over!

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, there was just a little accident." I said, lying.

But Becca and Annie weren't listening to me. They were just staring at Brandon in shock.I have to admit. It was pretty weird. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce you guys." I said, trying to break the tension.

"Brandon, these are my BFF's Becca and Annie. Guys, meet Brandon." 

It was a pretty awkward introduction. But they took it pretty well. By "they" I meant Brandon. Bec and Ans just made it weird.

"Uh...hi" said Brandon.

Poor guy. He was just being stared at awkwardly by my weird BFF's.

"Anyway, good you got to meet each other! See ya later Brandon!" I said, pulling them away.

I pulled Annie and Becca back to our lockers (they are all close together because we got to chose them this year). I was so mad at them for making me look so weird.

"What was that guys?" I asked angrily.

"What was what?" they both asked at the exact same time.

"Why were you guys just staring at Brandon like he was a weirdo?" I asked in my "obvious voice".

"Sorry Jules. It's were missing all morning and then all of a sudden we see you on the halls with a boy! It's just overwhelming, you know?" said Becca.

"Yeah, we were worried about you. And then we see you walking down the hall with the cutest guy at school!" Annie joined in.

"First of all, I wasn't gone all morning because it's still 11:00am. And second, I wasn't with him for a long time and we have no connection. I just got into a fight with a high schooler and he punched me and-" I got interrupted by Annie.

"WHAT?! He punches you and then you are walking and flirting with him? This guy has turned you into a crazy person! I mean why would you walk with a guy when he punched y-

 "NO NO NO!" I interrupted Annie, "No he didn't punch me, a high school boy did. Out in the courtyard. No, Brandon saved me! He carried me all the way to the nurses office and sat with me until I was better! I promise that's what happened.

"Ohh! That makes a lot more sense!" replied Annie, laughing.

"Well I think he likes you!" said Becca.

This was strange because Becca didn't know A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G about boys. But somehow she was the one talking this time. It was weird.

"How would you know?" asked Annie as if she were reading my mind.

"I don't live in a book ya know. I know stuff about boys too. Plus, Ive read an article and a book about love." she turned to me, "It's so obvious he likes you! You should tell him you like him too! you like him?" she asked.

Wow. Way to bring down the room Bec. That's a lot to think about! I like him.....?

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