Chapter 14

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I was in History for a long time. It was so boring. All we talked about was-

Ding ding!

Yes! That was the bell. I scrambled out the door and went to my locker. I put all my stuff away and raced to the janitors closet.

I opened the door and saw Brandon sitting on a cleaning cart. He jumped up and grabbed my hand.

"Nice to see you my lady." he said in a posh accent.

"Nice to see you too." I said back.

He smiled for a second but then put on a very serious face.

"Juliet, I like you. Like a lot. I love you in fact." he said.

I blushed. I put my face close up to his.

"I love you too Brandon." I said.

He smiled. Then he put his face really close to mine. Then......HE KISSED ME! ON THE LIPS!

I had never been kissed on the lips before. It was amazing! He pulled away, thinking i didn't like it. 

But then I grabbed him and kissed him again. It was so romantic! It felt like the whole world was malting away.

He put his hand on my hip and I put my hand on his shoulder. Then we danced. It was like prom.

I hugged him and we made out again. Just then, the janitors door opened. OMG! I thought it was Taylor and I pulled away but Brandon just kissed me again!

"GROSS! You lovebirds! I guess dummies are meant to be with each other!" said the voice.

I turned around and saw Annie standing in the door frame. She looked disgusted. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. Then I gave Brandon a kiss on the nose and turned around.

"Brake it up. I need to speak to my BFF please!" she said, pulling Brandon and me away from each other.

Brandon smiled. I blushed. Annie gagged. I gave Brandon a little kiss on the cheek and told him I'd see him later. He smiled and ran out the door.

"I never knew you guys were like actually boyfriend and girlfriend. I thought you guys were just like....well friends." she said, confused.

"We were. But now...well...we're more than that. I love him and he loves me. Anyway, what did you wanna talk about? The prank?" I said, trying to change the subject.

Annie pretended to gag but then nodded.

"Yeah. I heard you and your boyfriend talking about pranking Taylor?!" she asked, suprised.

I laughed and nodded.

"Yep. Your note said you wanted to help. Do you?" I asked.

Annie nodded.

"If you'll let me." she said, hopeful.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I asked, confused.

Annie looked at the ground. Then she sighed.

"Well...listen, I'm so sorry Jules. We should have never talked to Brandon, and what Bec said about your dad was wrong. I thought you didn't want me as a friend anymore." she said, tearing up.

"Of course I want you as a friend! I was mad at you but I'm not anymore! I-I just..I'm sensitive about my family. You and Bec know that. It hurt me when she said that. I've known you guys for so long, and we've never gotten into a fight that involves boy drama or my dad! I just...I was just surprised that you guys would do that to me! I was mad, but now I'm not. I love you guys! You and Bec are like the sisters I never had! I can't live without you!" I said, bawling.

Annie started to cry and I was already making puddles on the ground. We hugged each otherand Annie whispered in my ear:

"We can't live without you either Jules." 

I smiled, wiping the tears away from my red eyes. Then I spilled. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I told Annie everything. From us getting into a fight, to Brandon and I making out.

Annie smiled. She said she was so happy for me and asked if she could come on the tour with me. I said I only had one extra ticket, but I could try and ask Mike to give me two more.

Then I told her all about the prank. We tweaked it together and by the time we had everything sorted out, the bell rang.

I didn't get to eat my lunch but I didn't care. I had had my first kiss, and I had made up with Annie! Things were looking better already!

Next stop.........Taylor's prank! 

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