Chapter 11

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We were on the freeway for a long time. I still hadn't gotten a response from Becca yet. Hmm. Weird. 

We were going to McDonald's because it was the only restaurant on the way to my voice lesson. I was so excited to take my singing to the next level!

We went into McDonalds and ate. Then mom paid and we got back into the car. Back on the freeway we went.

The good thing was that I still had my makeup on from Ocean, Elliot, and Macy, so I could make a good first impression on Emma.

I wondered what she sounded like. She must sound amazing! 

Mom pulled into the driveway of the building and we got out. 

We walked in and checked in at the front desk. Another lady led me into a room with speakers and mirrors. It had two chairs.

There was a lady sitting in one of the chairs. She smiled at me and motioned for me to come and sit in the other chair. I came over and sat down.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Emma. You must be Juliet, I presume?" she asked.

Mrs. Emma? Why couldn't I just call her Emma? It would've been a lot easier. 

"Yes. I'm Juliet. I'm so happy to finally meet you!" I exclaimed, trying to smile.

She nodded and swatted me away like I was some sort of fly. I have to say, it was a bit rude of her to do that. Especially when she had just met me.

She put some earplugs in and asked for me to start singing. Okay, Mrs. Emma is really annoying! Why would she ask me to sing if she can't even hear me? I wasn't going to let her do something like that to me!

"Um...excuse me? Em-I mean Mrs. Emma?" I asked, trying to get her to hear me.

"What?! What do you want?!" she snapped back.

"I was just going to wait until you took your earplugs out before I start singing, because what's the point of me singing if you can't even hear me?" I asked, sternly.

She turned bright red. She glared at me as hard as she could. She was about to say something and then she paused.

What? Why did she pause? I thought.

Then she frowned. 

"So, you are Juliet Goodyear?" she asked, suspiciously.

I nodded, scared of what she knew about me. She grinned.

"Well, well, well. So you're the one who pushed my daughter down the stairs." she said.

What? I never pushed anyone down the stairs! Who was her daughter?

" I never pushed anyone do-" 

She interrupted me.

"Yes! You pushed my daughter! She came home crying and said Juliet Goodyear pushed her down the stairs! You liar!" she yelled at me.

OMG! I had never been yelled at like that before! This lady has got issues! But I wasn't scared of some wannabe weirdo.

"I never, ever, in the history of my life, pushed anyone down the stairs! Excuse me for saying so, but I think your daughter is the liar!" I snapped at her.

She turned pale. Then she turned dark red. She stood up on her high-heels and glared at me.

"TAYLOR GEORGE IS NOT A LIAR!" she yelled so loud that the whole building shook.

I was about to yell back that I had no idea who that was, but just then I remembered. Wait a second....TAYLOR GEORGE?! The Blond Squad queen from school? That Taylor George? And this was her....MOTHER?! 

Oh no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I did not want to be coached by evil! But...I never recalled pushing Taylor down a flight of stairs. That liar!

"I do know your daughter ma'am, but I did not push her down a flight of stairs! I would never do something like that! Even if I hate her!" I yelled, instantly regretting it.

The lady turned even more red before pointing to the door.

"GET OUT! RIGHT NOW! GET OUT OF MY OFFICE AND NEVER COME BACK AGAIN!" she yelled even louder than the time before.

I burst into tears and ran outta the room! OMG! I had never been so humiliated! Why would Taylor say something like that?

I ran into the bathroom and sat on the ground, sobbing. Mrs. Emma is so mean! Well, obviously she is. Everyone has a chance to be a good person, when you're born of course. 

It's just how you get raised. So basically, it depends on your parents. Now I see why Taylor is such a brat. Her mother is even worse! 

Just then I heard a knock:

Knock, knock.

"Who is it?" I asked, painfully.

"It's mom. Can I come in?" mom asked.

I opened the door for her. She came in and sat down beside me.

Then I told her all about what had happened. Mom looked extremely upset.

Then she went out of the bathroom and then came back in after a few minutes.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I told them what happened and that Mrs. Emma needs to be fired immediately, and they said yes!" said mom. 

I smiled. Finally the George family would get what they deserved. Mom hugged me before saying:

"C'mon, let's get outta here. I think it might be better if we do the rest on Thursday, is that okay?" she asked.

"Thanks! Yeah, let's go." I said.

We got into the car and sped off on the freeway. It was only 1:30pm. 

Yay! I had time to finish school! I got out my computer and smiled as I saw Mrs. Emma getting fired.

Wow! Being a rockstar is really hard! But eventually it will get better.


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