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Adrien wrote his idea out on paper and put it in his school bag, he ran downstairs to see Nathan organizing some books, "hey Nathan", Adrien said, Nathan turned around, "Hello Adrien", Nathan said. Vickie walked out of Gabriel's office, "come on Adrien I will take you today", Vickie said, Adrien crossed his arms, "what makes you think I wanna go with you?", Adrien asked with sass, Nathan acted surprised but secretly he was proud. Vickie smiled, "I don't think you're father would like the way you're talking to me", Vickie said, "I will gladly go tell him, that would mean one less annoyance", Vickie said, Nathan pulled Vickie to the ground by her hair. "You do not talk to Adrien like that!", Nathan yelled, "NATHAN!", Gabriel yelled, Nathan looked at Gabriel, Vickie got up, Gabriel grabbed Nathan and pulled him into the office. Adrien left into the car, Vickie followed.

"What was that?!", Gabriel asked raising his voice, "you don't realize how awful of a person she is", Nathan said, Gabriel pinned Nathan to the desk, "stop making up lies!", Gabriel screamed. Tears formed in Nathan's eyes but were dried by the heat of his anger, "YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME?, I HAVE BEEN YOU'RE FRIEND SINCE HIGH SCHOOL, INSTEAD YOU BELIEVE A HOMOPHOBIC BITCH THAT'S OBSESSED WITH YOU", Nathan snapped. Gabriel backed up, he has never seen Nathan like that before, with so much hatred in his eyes, Nathan ran out of the mansion towards his apartment, he slammed his door shut and fell on the ground crying, Dussu watched as Nathan broke down. "WHY DO I LOVE HIM!?", Nathan screamed, Dussu hated seeing him like this. 

Gabriel felt this powerful negative emotion, he knew it was Nathan's, "I can't akumatize him that will only make it worse", Gabriel said. He looked at himself in the mirror, Gabriel felt a feeling he hasn't felt since Emilie died, was it love?, "no, you are straight", Gabriel said, Nathan's adorable face appeared in his head, "you are straight", Gabriel said again. He felt this desire to have Nathan in his arms, he slapped himself.

Adrien sat in the bathroom, "I don't think it's a good idea to hook them up", Plagg said, Adrien looked down, "yeah I think you're right, I sensed some kind of tension between them", Adrien said. 

Nathan transformed into Mayura and left through his balcony, he jumped from building to building and landed in an Alley way, "Mayura?", A voice asked, Mayura recognized the voice, he felt a hand on his shoulder, "DON'T TOUCH ME!", Mayura yelled grabbing Hawkmoth's wrist. "Mayura, please", Hawkmoth said, Mayura felt his chest tighten and his energy draining, he fell into Hawkmoth's arms, Hawkmoth sat on the ground and cradled Mayura. He transformed back into Nathan, he whimpered and began shaking, "shh It's gonna be alright, I'm here", Hawkmoth said stroking his hair. 

Adrien arrived at home, Vickie looked in the office and didn't see anyone, "do you know where you're father is?", Vickie asked, "no, even if I did know I wouldn't tell you", Adrien said walking upstairs. Vickie scowled, "what did I ever do to you?", Vickie asked, Adrien turned around, "you hurt Nathan and that's not okay, and you manipulated my father into letting you stay here, my dad will never fall for someone like you!", Adrien yelled. He ran to his room and slammed it shut, Vickie punched the wall, "that little brat", Vickie said.   

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