Chapter 8 | Sophie

Start from the beginning

"Well, now you have two friends." Keefe decided, and Sophie looked up to look into his eyes, her brown ones boring into his ice blue ones.

"Deal, and Keefe?" 


"I don't think he's all bad. No one is, that's what makes people like him so scary, they're not as different from us as we want them to be. I think he just wants to get along and doesn't know how to tell you."

"I don't know," He said breaking eye contact. "All he's ever said to me was about what I should be—not about who I am." There. He said it. The words he had been keeping in for almost his whole life—he just prayed she wouldn't mock him for them.

"Well, then he can go."


She smirked an awfully cruel smile, "I hear hell is particularly nice this time of year."

He laughed, "Y'know it's not very nice to say that."

She gave him a challenging look, "Well maybe I'm not nice."

"We all know that's not fully true."




Keefe had been trying to convince her to light one of the fireworks, she'd just told him that she preferred to not get her face melted off.

"Please? I'll do anything you want!" He begged, she honestly had no idea why he wanted her to light one so badly.

"Anything?" She demanded.

"Anything." He confirmed.

"Fine," Sho took the lighter from his outstretched hand and turned it on. The fire flickered ravenously seeming to be hungry to do something. 

"Remember to back away as soon as you light it, you have about three seconds until it goes off." He instructed.

"Light 'em up!" Keefe yelled, and everyone else lighted theirs.

Holding the lighter under the fireworks, she squeezed her eyes shut until she heard a quiet barely audible hiss. She scrambled away not wanting it to fly up in her face.

There were many loud crack noises as they all flew up into the sky and then they all exploded.

Colourful lights shattered through the sky enveloping it in colour. The world seemed to pause as they exploded, more of them being sent up every moment by others franticly running to grab more to be set off.

All Sophie knew in the moment was that Keefe was laying right beside her on the sand of the beach, a steady comforting source of warmth. He tucked his arm around her. And all Sophie's thoughts halted—or zoomed by too fast to acknowledge them, she didn't know.

She resisted the pulling urge to tuck in close to him—to pull him close.

Sophie didn't know how long she lay there in the sand as light and colour shattered across the sky flaring in every colour and then some.

"No more left!" Someone shouted from a  little way down the beach.

The moment he said it a final firework shot up into the sky and exploded, showering the night sky in colour. As it died out and the light fluttered out, Keefe stood up helping her up with him.

Sophie felt a little disappointed that it was over as she stood up, but then Keefe announced seeming to sense her disappointment, "It's not over."

She looked up at him with a brow raised.

"You'll see."

Can u spot the kotlc quotes—if so mind leaving a vote. 

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