He felt bad watching him pout at his work station near the back because he was the worst cook in the class, blushing furiously from embarrassment. So when everyone left, Seokjin waltzed over giving Taehyung a big hug and kiss on the cheek for trying his best.

It happened so naturally that Taehyung almost didn't register it until the last second, deciding to milk his kindness a little more to get a kiss on the lips- failing miserably of course.

Taehyung also took Seokjin back to Kew Gardens to redo their first date because he felt like it deserved a second chance. Seokjin was so excited the first time and he didn't want bad memories tainting this place for him -this time taking him to the Princess of Wales conservatory making sure to definitely hold his hand the whole day.


Currently Seokjin is sat on an idle chair given to him by one of the makeup artists as he watches Taehyung get his finishing touches before stepping on set.

Admiring just how flawless this angelic man is, beautiful in more ways than one. Everyone seemed to be so captured by him and Seokjin felt a sense of pride because that's his Taehyung up there.

Jimin is furiously texting him during the shoot, threatening to burn his favourite plushie if he didn't take any pictures of his 'sexy boyfriend' (which he is not) and placing bets that he'd finally sleep with him- Seokjin immediately blushes at that making a mental note to kill him when he gets home.

He does a double take when Taehyung comes out in his next outfit, wearing black ripped jeans, boots and a leather jacket- as in the leather jacket only.

Seokjin's breath hitches seeing his toned stomach, tanned skin spilling down the middle where the jacket didn't cover him, a sole chain around his neck and multiple rings adorning his fingers.

Jimin is already a forgotten problem as he shamelessly gawks at the way the model tilts his head and adjusts his body, looking breathtaking in every angle.

Every fibre of his being wanted to run over to him and rip his clothes off right there, the overdue sexual attraction rearing it's angry head again.

Taehyung glances at him mid shoot, a smirk spreading dangerously across his face as he leans back into the chair he's sitting on- the jacket slowly slipping revealing more of his naked chest.

Seokjin's mouth dries up instantly, his jeans are already suffocating him and he's sure his face is alarmingly red from blushing so much, snapping his head away from the other, refusing to carry on with his dirty game.

He's regretting not bringing Jimin for moral support but then again Jimin would've probably embarrassed him for getting turned on so pathetically like this.

It's a relief when the shoot is finally over and Seokjin could discreetly slip away to find the bathroom, walking fairly quickly to hide his stubborn erection.

Suddenly a pair of arms latched around his waist pulling him into a room locking it behind them causing him to yelp and struggle, almost fainting when he realises it's just Taehyung.

"What the hell is wrong you?! You could've given me a heart attack!" Seokjin hisses freeing himself from Taehyung's hold, making sure to hit him for good measure.

"Sorry." He giggles, not the least bit remorseful, still dressed in the leather jacket and jeans. "Where were you off to so quickly?"

"I need to make an urgent call." The lie rolls off Seokjin's tongue effortlessly and Taehyung raises an eyebrow.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, so if you'll excuse me-"

"Why don't you have your urgent call in here then, it's only me after all." Taehyung says in a teasing manner leaning against the table, Seokjin just realising that they're in his dressing room.

"I'd rather it have it alone thanks." Seokjin fires back,  carefully making sure his bag conceals the front of his jeans.

"Must be a really important call."


Taehyung hums in response nodding slightly, his eyes haven't left Seokjin since he dragged him in here- tapping his fingers aimlessly against the edge of the table.

"You know I can tell when you're lying right?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Seokjin scoffs though his ears burn at the comment because he knows he can.

"Come here."



"Taehyung-ssi." Taehyung sighs audibly, shaking his head and straightens up.


Seokjin gulps when he sees Taehyung heading towards him slowly- immediately backing up until his back hits the door.  Making sure to keep his eyes solely on the other's face and not his exposed chest that is almost pressed against his own.

Seokjin in stiffens under the hot gaze roaming his body, zeroing in on where he's clutching his bag so furiously before glancing back up. His knees almost buckle when Taehyung leans forward, placing his lips next to his ear.

"Are you sure you won't take your call in here?" He asks gently, Seokjin could barely muster a reply when he feels a soft kiss placed on his neck.

Instead he closes his eyes at the feeling, as more are peppered onto the sensitive skin. Taehyung moves from his neck to kiss along his jaw, Seokjin tilts his head giving him more access.

So caught up with the way Taehyung licks and sucks the sensitive spot behind his ear that he hadn't noticed when he had managed to pry his hands away from the troublesome bag chucking it on the nearby chair.

Seokjn can feel his warm breath fanning over his face anticipating a kiss yet it never comes, he frowns slightly and opens his eyes, startled to see how intensely Taehyung is looking at him, barely an inch of space between them- shallow panting filling the silent room.

It's only then that Seokjin realises he's waiting for a reply.

"For fuck sake, just kiss me." He groans, yanking him forward, Taehyung chuckles but let's him press their mouths together, lifting him up in the process.

Seokjin could already picture Jimin's smug 'I told you so' smile, though his feral mind doesn't care because he's been dying to do this.


Kind of a filler chapter of what they've been up to and because the book's coming to an end very soon

Also thank you for the 1k reads 🥺 literally shook

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