Sadie turned to him and gave him an "are you stupid look".

"What?" He asked her.

"Sorry to break it to you Stiles but you can definitely not pass for 21."

He crossed his arms, "And you can?"

The bartender came back with one beer and handed it to Sadie. After she took it and thanked him he turned to Scott and Stiles.

"I'm gonna need to see some ID."

Sadie and Scott stifled a laugh at Stiles's reaction to the bartender.


When the bartender didn't respond they both took out their ID's and handed them over. The bartender smirked as he check out their ID's.

"How about two cokes?"

"Rum and coke? Sure!"

The bartender glared at Stiles.

"Cokes fine actually, I'm driving anyway."

Minutes later a shirtless guy came over with their cokes. Stiles grabbed his and when the guy handed Scott his coke he said,

"This ones paid for."

He gestured toward a handsome guy at the end of the bar and Scott smirked at the free drink he got.

"Oh, shut up!" Stiles said to Scott.

"I didn't say anything," Scott said.

"Your face did."

Sadie laughed and said, "Jealous much?"

"Actually yeah! Because you got a beer and Scott got a free coke. What do I get? Nothing!"

Scott and Sadie shared a laugh at Stiles's temper tantrum. They turned around to face the crowd and searched for Danny and Jackson. Soon Sadie spotted Danny in the crowd and was about to inform them but Stiles beat her to it.

"I found Danny."

"I found Jackson," Scott pointed out.

He was stalking around up above the party in the rafters. She gulped and looked over at Scott. He had a concerned look on his face and she looked back up to Jackson. It was then that she noticed Jackson was right above Danny.

"Get Danny," Scott said.

"Works for me."

Stiles pulled Sadie through the crowd and towards Danny while Scott went towards Jackson.

"Danny!" Stiles called out but his voice was drowned out by the music.

The room started to fill with fog and Stiles's grip on Sadie became loose before it was lost all together. She couldn't see a thing and started to panic.


A guy next to her dropped to the ground and then another and another. People were dropping left and right and she knew it was because of Jackson.

"Stiles!" She called out again.

Screams and shouts erupted from the crowd and everyone started to panic. She looked around frantically searching for either Scott or Stiles.

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