Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I felt like an idiot.
How could I be so stupid to fall in love with an engaged chick?
Why didn’t she tell me?

The only thoughts that was in my mind was condescending thoughts about me. How could I be so fucking stupid!?
How could I get myself fooled by her, and all her lies?

I drank the rest of the scotch I’d ordered, even though I wasn’t much of a scotch drinking person, but I didn’t care at the moment.

It was almost 10pm, and Tom had called me a couple of times, but I didn’t care about that either.
It wasn’t until eleven when it became a burden for me and I answered. 


“Bill! You don’t know how to answer a phone!?” I heard my brother yelled at the other side of the line.

“You were bothering me” I slurred. 

“Are you drunk?”

“Nope” I said and walked of the bar chair, but my legs weren’t steady enough to hold me, but I grabbed the edge of the bar before I fell down. “Wouuh” I smiled. “Bye, big brother”

I closed the call and put the phone in my pocket and walked out to my car. 

“WHAT THE FUCK, BILL!! DID YOU DRIVE OVER HERE DRUNK!?” my brother yelled when I entered the house. 

“Sch… Don’t tell anyone”

“What’s wrong with you!” 

“Me? Nothing! What’s wrong with you?”

“Where have you been?”


“Just out?”

“Yep, so stop talking! Your voice is annoying!”

“Bill! Talk to me!”

“Tomorrow, I want to… sleep, hejdå!”


I didn’t answer him, only made my way to my bedroom and fell down on the bed.
‘Hejdå’, meant goodbye in Swedish. Alicia had taught me a few words in Swedish while she was in Sweden. I wanted nothing more than forget about her, but I couldn’t. 

I could smell her hair, her scent, her perfume. 
I could see her lips move, her eyes look at me, her smile grow on her lips.
I could feel her lips against mine, her hands on my body, her breathe getting heavier when I touched her.
I missed her.
I missed her so damn much.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought to myself and crawled down under the duvet.
I wished I never met her, she broke my heart.
Took it out from my chest, stomped on it a couple of times and broke it of in thousands of pieces.
Suddenly I felt something wet on my cheek, and I wiped away the tear, but that only made the tears come down even faster.

Fuck my life!

Poor Bill

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