Chapter 4: "Friend" Or Foe?

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It's been a bit uncomfortable around Pete ever since I last saw him. He's been acting pretty butthurt since he - and, well, I - learned that I took over his spot in science class. I do feel a bit guilty for it, even if it wasn't my choice, but I'm not really one to know how to comfort someone...or whatever it is you're supposed to do in a situation like this.

On the other hand, I can't help but wonder how Taehyung was able to act as nonchalant as he did; you would think he would feel somewhat bad, but I honestly don't think he sees anything wrong with what he did in the slightest. I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking it, but something about it is a bit strange if you ask me. But to be fair, everything about this Taehyung guy seems strange.

Maybe it's the condescending tone in his voice, or his superiority complex...or maybe it's just everything combined. Usually I have a decent notion of what someone's gonna be like right off the bat, but with Taehyung, I have no clue. Sometimes he comes off as nice, and other times, he comes off as a complete jerk; his personality seems like a roller coaster at times, and I can't get a grasp on it. Even the way he calls me 'friend' is just doesn't sound...genuine.

I guess it would be wrong to judge by my first impression. Maybe the more I get to know him the more I'll understand, but for now...I guess I'll just have to keep my guard up - it seems like my only option at this point.


Tuesday Morning


After the morning alarm rings throughout the dorm, Jungkook's groggy eyes pop open and the first thing he is greeted with for the day is Taehyung's eyes peering down at him.

"Oh my GOD!" Jungkook says, grabbing onto his bed in fear - his once squinted eyes now the size of quarters.

"Morning, buddy. Glad to see you're alive." Taehyung says, hovering over him.

"Taehyung..! What are you doing in my room ag- AH!"

"Hi, Jungkook.."

"Pete?? What the hell?! You're in here too?" Jungkook says, looking to and from Pete and Taehyung, who were sitting on each side of his bed.

"Trust me, it wasn't up to me...Taehyung forced me to." Pete says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You have to admit, it was pretty creepy, huh?" Taehyung says, looking across Jungkook over to Pete.

"What was creepy..?" Jungkook asks, wiping the slight drool that was on the corner of his mouth.

"You were sleeping with your eyes half-way open...Taehyung called me in here because he thought you were dead." Pete says.

"Turns out - you're just a weirdo!" Taehyung says, giving Jungkook a jarring pat on his back. "Isn't that a relief?"

"Well, it looks like to me, the only weirdos in here are you two...get off of my bed." Jungkook says, shooing the two off, to which they did.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot what a scaredy cat you were." Taehyung holds his arms behind his back. "Sooo...been hearing around that you caught a few of the greasers' attention yesterday..." He says, watching as Jungkook stands up from his bed.

"Yup, looks like, what's the deal with everyone trying to intimidate me around here? Is that just a common thing?" Jungkook asks as he stretches.

"Oh yes...if you're not in their clique, you're nothing more than a piece of trash on the ground in their eyes, generally speaking." Taehyung says, redirecting his attention onto Pete. "Isn't that right, Petey? You would be the one to know best."

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