Chapter 1: Fresh Faces

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Monday Morning

Though yesterday was technically my first day at Bullworth, I consider today my first *real* day, since it's the day I officially start my classes.

Last night, word quickly spread around that the new kid arrived and, now, the entire school knows of my existence. And from what Taehyung has been telling me, it sounds like I won't be getting a particularly warm welcome, though to be honest...I wasn't really expecting one.

I'm not too worried, more so annoyed than anything. I usually can hold my tongue if need be, but I know if I get pushed around enough, I'm not going to be able to withhold what's on my mind. My mom says I have anger issues, but I don't see it - I think she's just using any excuse under the book to lessen the guilt she feels for sending me here.

Oh well, what can you do; what happens, happens...but at the end of the day, I'll always know I only give people what's coming to them.


As Jungkook's eyes adjust to the morning sun peeking through his crooked blinds, he brings his hand up to his face and rubs them - letting out a small yawn.

"Finally, you're awake." Jungkook hears, prompting his eyes to pop right open - his eyes immediately landing on Taehyung, who is sitting backwards in a wooden chair at the end of his bed. Jungkook shoots up - bringing the blankets up with him to cover his bare chest.

"What the - Taehyung?" Jungkook says, looking to and from the smirking teen and his bedroom curtains. "What are you doing in my room..? How long have you been in here??" Jungkook asks, rightfully curious.

"OOOh.." Taehyung says, bringing up his wrist to look at his watch. "I would say about an hour."

"An hour?! You've been watching me sleep for an HOUR?!"

"Yes..? You seem freaked out...what, is that really so weird?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it is." Jungkook says, throwing his blankets aside and tossing his legs over the side of his bed.

"Oh, is it? My bad. Well, I just came in here to make sure you weren't gonna be late for your first class - you know, just doing the friendly thing." Taehyung says, shrugging his shoulders. "But, I guess I just got a little distracted...and besides, watching you sleep was far more entertaining than anything that was on TV. Did you know your mouth moves when you're dreaming?" Taehyung says, smirking at the red-faced boy.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't come into my room without my permission..." Jungkook mutters, hurrying over to his wardrobe.

"Alright, alright.... if you really don't want me to, I won't then, skitty." Taehyung says, standing up from the chair. "So, you excited for your first day?"

"Oh, yeah...I'm ecstatic.." Jungkook says, sarcasm lacing his voice.

"It'll be fiiine...and even if it's not, at least you have me to look forward to seeing when 6th period rolls around."

"Oh, goody.." Jungkook mutters under his breath. "So um, you never showed me where the showers are."

"Oh, right." Taehyung says, bopping himself on the side of his head. "That completely slipped my mind. Grab your things and I'll take you."

"I'm not so sure I trust you now...are you gonna watch me while I'm in the showers, too?"

"Oh, Jungkook, you amuse me. Even if I was going to, do you really think I would admit to something like that? You don't think I'd be a little more sneaky about it?"

"Okay, I think that creeps me out even more so than if you would have just said 'yes'." Jungkook mumbles, grabbing his clothes.

"Rest assured, friend...I'm not like Petey the pervert." Taehyung says.

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