Chapter 8

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We begin passing over into Plasma gang territory. N and I take the lead now as Finn and Leland fall in behind us. I glance over my shoulder. "I know this place like the back of my hand so we should get through easily." Everyone nods although I spy Leland roll his eyes a little. I narrow my eyes at him before turning my head back to look where I'm going. "Also, Plasma gang members are known for surprise sneak attacks so get ready for any sudden movements," I add. "Well you would know wouldn't you?" I hear Leland grumble underneath his breath. I turn to look at Leland again and he's staring at me with a cold glare. I go to ask what he means, or even why he's being so rude, but N nudges me with his elbow and I slowly turn away from him. "Oh c'mon Leland! Don't be so harsh..." Finn exclaims. Leland just huffs and goes silent. Starscream clears his throat. "Well uhh- I do have a question... What if the forest doesn't exist? What do we do then?" Knock out nods. "Yeah... I mean, you did say you weren't sure about if it was real or not, right Chili?" "Yes, that's true. But we can't afford to stay here anymore. But there has to be someplace out there asides from the gang territories we know." Finn says. "I say if he's wrong, we kick him out from the group," Leland growls. I stop walking and spin right around to face Leland this time. This surprises everyone, both my action and what Leland said, and they too stop walking. "Look... I don't know what I could've possibly done wrong to you, but why are you being so horrible to me? Just because you don't trust me, doesn't mean you have to be so rude!" I take a small step forward. "It's a mixture of I don't trust you AND I don't like you," Leland replies with an angry expression. "Well, you still don't have to be acting like that towards me!" "Does it honestly look like I care?" Knock out then steps forward. "Hey, calm it down you two! We need to get moving or else-" All of a sudden I spy someone hiding in the shadows of a building and I raise my hand to silence Knock out. He quietens down and takes a look at where I'm looking. Then without any sort of warning, the figure flings a knife straight at Finn. Usually, a person's first instinct would be to shout and run. But Instead, I run at Finn and push him out of the way. I shout in pain as the knife just manages to slash my shoulder and I tumble to the ground. "Ah fuck it!!!" I shout through gritted teeth, immediately grabbing my shoulder to try and reduce any bleeding.

Grimsley stamps his foot on the pavement as he sees the failed attempt of a fellow Plasma gang member to kill one the traitors. He glares at the three people behind him. "Well! Hurry up! Go get them already!!!" He commands. One of the three people shakes their head. "We're outnumbered! We can't possibly fight them three against six! They'll wipe the floor with us!" Grimsley clenches his fists at that person's protest but takes a deep breath in and out. "Fine. They won't be going anywhere any time soon as one of their members is injured. We can go back to Ghetsis and ask for others to help."  The other three nod in agreement and start to walk off, but before Grimsley follows he makes sure that his presence is known by me. He steps out from his hiding spot with an evil glare and a smirk.

My eyes widen as I spot Grimsley and I stare back. I seem to ignore the fact that Knock out is beside me examining my wound and that Finn is more than shocked and terrified about his near death. Starscream and N step back, panicking that we've been discovered. Leland however just stares at me with a blank expression. I'm focusing way too much on where Grimsley is though to take notice of anything else. He then turns around and just leaves. "Chili?" I hear Knock out's voice calmly talking to me. It takes me a small moment, but I glance away from where Grimsley was and look at Knock out. "If it's not that much of a bad wound then we need to get out of here as soon as possible... Not only have we been noticed, but I'm pretty sure that the Plasma gang leader is about to be notified of our presence here..."

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