"Take your feet off that desk this instant! Have you no respect for the people who sat in it before you?! The pro heroes and makers of said desk!?" That same blue haired fellow bellows shouting at Bakugou who has his feet propped up on the desk.

"Screw off! Jeez mister prime and proper who or what shoved that stick up your ass?!" Bakugou shouts back with a visible bulging vein on the side of his head.

"I am Tenya Iida from Sommei Private academy and to whom am I speaking with?" He responds offering a hand to shake only with it to be smacked away by Bakugou.

"You're an elitist narc huh? I'm gonna have fun destroying you."

"I'm impressed Kacchan. You managed to make a friend." I say in a sarcastic tone clapping my hands.

"I hate you, I hate you both." He responds before crossing his hands indignantly and turning away from me.

"It's you! You're the one who saved me!" A female voice exclaims as a pair of arms wraps around my waist from behind. "I never got to thank you!" she exclaims, turning me around. "I'm Ochako Uraraka by the way." I turn to see that it was the girl I saved in the exams.

"O-Oh h-hi. I-i'm Izuku M-Midoriya." I sputter out before covering my face with my hands due to embarassment.

"If you're here to make friends then you can go ahead and go home. This is the hero course." Aizawa says from behind Uraraka. He's laying on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag. He unzips it all the way to his arms then pulls his hand out to drink from an apple sauce pouch. "Put on your gym uniforms and meet me by the training grounds in 10 minutes."

After we get changed from our normal uniforms we head down to the training field meeting Aizawa as he opens another one of those apples sauce packets. Uraraka asks why we are out her and not inside for orientation. Aizawa explains that the teachers at UA can teach how they want, since he thinks it a waste of time when we are out here on the training field. He explains that we are going through a quirk physical apprehension test. With Kacchan going first in the ball throw. He asks what his score was in middle school then tells Kacchan to throw the ball using his quirk. Of course Kacchan screams: "DIIIEEE!!!" When he throws the ball setting off an explosion. He turns and glares at me before saying "Beat that shitty nerd." and walking back to his spot next to a red haired fellow with sharp teeth.

"Bakugou there was no need for that and the only person allowed to curse in this class is me unless you fall down a flight of stairs. Your score was 787m mediocre compared to what I was expecting due to how highly you were bosting of yourself." Aizawa says and I stifle a chuckle but smirk at the remark. "As you can see you are allowed to use your quirks for this, seems fun right? Let's add some more 'fun' into the mix shall we? The person in last place is expelled. Best of luck." He says with what feels like a sinister grin.

For as much as he up talked the test it wasn't that much of a challenge in all honesty. The first test was a simple 50 meter dash which I blew through in under 3 seconds and for you all wondering how fast that is, around 50 miles an hour. Some of the others were astonished at the speed but I was still beaten by Iida who finished in 2.1 seconds which is almost 25 meters per second. Just under 60 mph or three times the world record speed runner in the early 21st century. The push ups and sit up tests were self explanatory with both not being all that difficult. I managed to clear the entire 50 meter long jump using a mere 15% of One for All and the high jump I managed 150 meters vertical but stumbled on the landing. I'm still working on those. The grip test was interesting, i'm still pulling bits of metal pieces from my hand with a pair of tweezers as I'm telling this story. Finally it came to the ball throw for me, Uraraka had managed to score infinity with her throw and a pink woman named Ashido Mina melted her ball on accident due to her acid quirk.

"Alright problem child your turn now, I don't want to see this stupid ball again." Aizawa says throwing the ball to me, I fumble with it slightly before retaining a grip and entering the circle.

I walk up to the center where everyone else had taken the ball throw, I hear Kacchan scoff and say something unintelligible under his breath. I look over at him specifically and smirk which he gives me an inquisitive yet alarmed look in return. His face goes from that expression to shock then rage when he sees that I activated full cowling at my highest mark of 22%. The green lightning sparking through the air as I hear some of my classmates gasp in awe of the colors. I look forwards towards the steel wall of UA and aim above the treeline in front of it. Taking a pitcher's stance I take a large step forward following through the throw of the ball. "SMMMMAAAAASSSSSHHHHH!!!!" I yell upon throwing it as hard as I can currently. In a similar way All Might does his throws a sound of a powerful energy discharge reverberates around the area sounding exactly like All Might's punches. I stand back up and see a streak of green tracing across the heavens towards the fence before disappearing from view. I turn to Mr Aizawa who has an ear to ear grin on his face.

"Well done Midoriya, 1,829.13 meters. Seems like all your training has paid dividends for you. I know that might be all you can manage with such a powerful quirk but it doesn't mean you should hold back in the future. You're merely at a small portion of your full power just like everyone behind you, remember that you will always have room to grow. Alright well time to let the cat out of the bag." Aizawa says as his orange cat Hagane, meaning steel in english, pops up out of his scarf. "Oh, hello buddy have a nice nap?" He asks the cat before pressing a button on his clipboard displaying our results.

"I know it isn't becooth of me to lie to you all on the first day about having someone be expelled but it was only rational deception to force your best out from you. That being said these scores will alter how your training focuses in the future. Since the orientation was supposed to take up the first day you lot are free to go, have fun in the dorms or go raid the cafeteria. Just don't burn anything to the ground or get/get someone pregnant while you're here." He says waving his hand and walking off.

As I begin making my way to the dorms I make it a point to talk with Iida and Uraraka on the way there. As Im leaving the training ground Bakugo grabs me by the hem of my shirt. "TELL ME HOW YOU GOT THAT QUIRK DEKU, YOU WERE FUCKING QUIRKLESS ALL OUR LIVES!!! YOU EITHER CHEATED OR WERE HIDING IT FROM ME!!!" He yells setting of explosions in the other hand. 

"I said I was quirkless all this time because that quirk is far to strong for my body to be able to handle. If i used that power you saw today when I was four I would have died. Besides its not like All Might gave me One for All, he said it himself that he wasn't in the country when it was given to his successor. Can you let me go now, this uniform is new and I would really like it to stay in a non scorched condition." I say grabbing the inside of his palm between his thumb and index finger and peeling his hand away like a post-it note. "Iida! Uraraka! Wait for me!" I shout running up to them. 

"Mark my words Deku! Ill figure out how you got that damn quirk! YOU HEAR ME!!!" He shouts, with me ignoring him and catching up to my two new friends. 

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