Chapter 9

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A/N: Would love it if you could vote and comment if you like it, thank you SO much!! I also added a new, sexier book trailer to the side if you'd like to check it out! This is a super long chapter, for some reason, so I hope you enjoy it! xoxo S

My near bursting bladder woke me the next morning. After I went the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and gave a little yelp -- my mascara and eyeliner had apparently taken a little trip down my face in the night resulting in the face in the mirror bearing an uncanny resemblance to Alice Cooper. I was also wearing exactly what I had been the night before. I cleaned up my eyes with a makeup removing cloth and was lazily brushing my teeth when I heard a rustling from the main living area and froze.

Had Maggie returned? Or maybe it was the maid? Although there were several reasonable explanations for who was out there, a niggling sensation in the back of my mind said that it wasn’t either of those people.

I rinsed my mouth out and walked back into my bedroom, trying to figure out what would be the easiest way to ascertain who was out there. I creeped quietly down the hallway and peeked around the corner into the dining room, which opened up into the living room.

Where Alex was standing at that moment, by the couch, folding up a blanket and looking directly at me.

“Hi,” I yelped, caught. I really should have done something more with myself before I went investigating.

“Good morning,” he said with a huge grin, his clothes looking slightly rumpled but somehow still absolutely perfect.

“I’ll be right back, just a minute,” I scurried away as quickly as I could. I changed into a tank with a built in bra and some sleep shorts, figuring I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard, especially as he knew I had, until a minute ago, still been wearing last night’s clothes. Although wearing those clothes was much better than, say, waking up completely naked with Alex in the bed next to me.

Dying to get a few answers about all that, I returned to the living room. I gave Alex a shy smile as I sat down on the overstuffed chair beside the couch where he was sitting and jumped right to the point.

“Um, this is completely mortifying to ask, but what exactly happened last  night?”

“After we kissed out on your porch -- I’m assuming you remember that much? I’ll take your red face as a ‘yes’ -- you invited me in. We continued in the living room for a couple of minutes, then said you had to go to the bathroom. I got worried after about 15 minutes and went to find you. I found you in what I assumed was your room, passed out on the bed, still fully clothed. I figured you wouldn’t appreciate me undressing you, so I left you as you were and pulled the sheet over you. I made myself a bed here on the couch -- which is quite comfortable, by the way -- and that brings us to now. How are you fairing this morning?”

“Ok, not as bad as I should be feeling, honestly. How about you?”

“Surprisingly decent, considering how legless I was by the end of the night. I’ll feel better after a shower though, that much is certain. Let’s make a pact to not drink nearly so much today, fair?”

“Fair.” While I was quietly overjoyed that it sounded like Alex still wanted to spend the day together again after I made a bit of a drunken fool of myself yesterday, that feeling was nothing compared to the relief I felt knowing that nothing had really happened between us the night before. Although I really liked Alex, I would have been beyond upset with myself if, after all these years, I lost my virginity in a black-out stupor.

The fact that I’d never had sex wasn’t something I ever talked about or shared with anybody, I'd never even told Maggie. I wouldn’t have lied if questioned about it directly, but thankfully no one had ever thought to ask. I honestly don’t think it ever crossed anyone’s mind that I was a virgin -- I certainly didn’t fit the stereotype, as insulting as that stereotype was to virgins everywhere.

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