Chapter 5

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A/N: Would love it if you could vote and comment if you like it, thank you SO much!! 

The next two days passed uneventfully. I got into a routine: light breakfast, then beach, home for lunch, more beach, then an amazing dinner. Then typically a late night swim at the pool. Instead of using our personal chef, I went to dinner both nights at the Cotton House by myself. I was contemplating going for a horseback ride at the stables later in the week, but still wasn’t sure as that felt like a lot of work.

Having never been in a serious relationship, I had always prided myself of my ability to do anything and everything alone--at home, I’d get dinner, see a movie, anything really, with only myself as company. A lot of friends said they couldn’t do it, that they'd feel too conspicuous and awkward, but I thought it was an important part of being completely self sufficient--if I wanted to go to a movie, I’d go. No need to wait around until someone else had time to see it with me.

My fifth full day on Mustique was looking to be as relaxing as the rest had been. Not a cloud in sight as I read-slash-napped under the warm morning sun. I was getting a decent tan--I was careful to alternate my swimsuits to avoid getting any serious tan line issues going on. I’d chosen to wear a strapless bikini that day which made me slightly nervous about slippage, but I figured I’d be fine if I stuck to laying out and avoided actually going into the ocean.

Soon after I rolled over onto my back to make sure my tan was nice and even, I heard an accented voice over the sound of the music playing on my iPod. “Hello there, might I buy you a drink?”

I pulled out my headphones, somewhat annoyed with the interruption. “You do realize this is an all inclusive resort, right?” I said, putting my hand up over my eyes as I squinted up at the guy standing above me.

“Of course, but I needed a chat-up line of some sort. I’m Alex?” he said tentatively.

“Is that a question?” I laughed, figuring he must be nervous, “I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you. You might need some new material if that’s your opener.”

“Nice to meet you as well. And yes, I realize that wasn’t particularly creative, but I’ve been waiting for an hour for a way to introduce myself and inspiration never hit so I forged ahead anyway," his voice seemed to get more confident as he continued on. I could only really see his outline with the sun behind him, so I gestured at the lounge chair next to me, letting him know he was free to join me. I figured if he was a total dud, I could just make up some excuse about going snorkeling or something and make my escape.

He sat down and I finally got a good look at him. Jesus, could he be any cuter? I seriously felt like I was on some sort of hidden camera show, like someone had read my nonexistent journal entries describing my perfect guy--tall, dark brown hair, five o’clock shadow, and that accent? I’d always been such a sucker for an accent--I always joked that a guy could read the dictionary to me, but as long as he had an accent, I’d be totally swooning over him. His body was lean and strong but not overly muscled. He had dark aviators on so I couldn’t see his eyes but I was certain they were just perfect as well.

I discreetly looked down at myself, praying nothing has popped out when I rolled over last. Everything was still tucked in, thank God.

"You're American?" he asked.

"How do you know I'm not Canadian? Was it my lack of ‘aboots?’ Maybe I should have used a few 'ehs' to throw you off." I joked.

He laughed, proving to me that even laughter sounds better with an accent. "Merely a lucky guess."

"And you're British, right?" I asked, making my own guess. I was fairly certain but I'd been wrong before.

"Correct. And I thought I was doing so well, not a single 'by Jove' or 'tally ho' escaped me," he said.

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