Face Beyond the Mask Part Two

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Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader

Part two to the Face beyond the mask

Word Count: 1,024

Warnings: Mentions of murder, mentions of loneliness.

Another, week had gone by, since your last call from Kylo Ren

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Another, week had gone by, since your last call from Kylo Ren. This time it was like there was an unsaid agreement that you would call each other, once a day. It was like you were the modern day Romeo and Juliet. He was the darkside, and you were the lightside. It was basically a recipe for disaster, there was no way that you could ever be together. You had a crush on Kylo Ren, you hadn't told him, what did you expect him to say to that? That he shared your feelings? The Supreme Leader of the Empire having romantic feelings? There was absolutely no way, someone who was so bad, could possibly have romantic feelings. Could he? Even if he did, you couldn't just give up everything you achieved through the resistance, just because you felt something for some guy who was tall, dark and handsome, who had dreamy eyes and —- No, you thought. You needed to think about all the bad things he's done, everyone he's killed. He was a murderous snake. You couldn't keep having these thoughts.

Your feelings had changed, since that night from a week ago. In the beginning, after you realized that you were force sensitive, you had harbored feelings for him. You didn't want to acknowledge it, because how could you have feelings for someone who did such, terrible things? That night, you had finally, seen Kylo's face. He didn't look like anything, you had imagined. You didn't quite know what to expect would be under that . But, you ended up being pleasantly surprised. That night felt, like it was a breakthrough. You had gotten to know him, just a little bit. It was easy to recognize that you both were able to bond over a mutual feeling. Loneliness.

"You're not alone."

"Neither are you."

The conversation from that night, played over and over, again in your head. You had over thought the conversation from that night. Nit picking, and trying to analyze. What did he mean? 'You are not alone'  Did he share your feelings? Did he mean it? These were just some of the questions that had come to mind.You were someone who was heavily guarded when it came to love.

You were currently laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. It was 3:30am. You couldn't sleep again. Pulling you from your thoughts was a heavy, knock on your bedroom door.

"Y/N, wake up. The Empire landed, on the planet. This isn't a drill. We need all hands on deck." an alarmed masculine voice, said through the door.

Bolting up, into a sitting position you responded,

"I'm up. I'll meet you in the hanger as soon as I get dressed." Tossing the covers off you made your way, to turn the light on to get dressed.

"10 / 4." The voice responded. Heavy footsteps could be heard retreating to the door to wake up the next rebel.

Putting your hair, up into a messy bun, you did a once over, in the bathroom mirror. You were wearing your resistance uniform. It was a deep navy (almost) long sleeve top, with high waisted black pants. Your brown blaster holster was wrapped around your right thigh and right hip, it rested comfortably, mid thigh, and lower hip. After, you excited the bathroom, you found your black combat boots and put them on. Exciting, your room you headed to the hanger, meeting you halfway to the hanger, Poe met up with you.

"Morning, Sunshine." a husky deep voice greeted you.

"Morning, Poe!" you chirped happily.

After the briefing, you had grabbed your medical bag. It had most of the things you would need to tend to a wounded solider in the field. Slinging, it over your shoulder, you adjusted the length. It was a brown leather, messenger bag, resting on your left shoulder, going to your right hip. You hooked your lightsaber, on the the blaster holster.

You were currently, tending to a wounded rebel solider. He was wounded, but he wasn't wounded too bad, luckily. Wrapping his, hand with gauze, is when you heard it.


That was not a promising sound.That's when it hit you, that sound was in the direction that Finn took off in. Suddenly, you were smothered with the feeling of worry.

Vrummmummmmm FVISH!

The sound of a lightsaber hitting another lightsaber pulled you from your thoughts.

"Finn!" you screamed desperately hoping to get a response.

"Finn! Where are you?" you tried again.

You took off running in the direction of the fight. Adrenaline and fear were pumping through your body. Your breathing, was short so short you were practically gasping. Looking in front of you, you couldn't believe the scene that was playing out before you. A black figure, with a red lightsaber had the upper hand against Finn. Suddenly, you heard the black figure roughly snarl,


Suddenly, you saw Finn getting punched in his jaw. Before you could react, the red lightsaber was risen and struck Finn in the back.The air was filled with screams. It dawned on you that the screams came from you, as the black figure turned around to face you. You were stunned watching Finn hit the ground unconsciously. Bringing yourself back to the moment, you looked at the figure. Fear spread quickly throughout your body. Your heart was beating fast, your breath getting caught in your throat. Looking back at you, were the chocolate brown eyes, that you had stared into many nights before. You were face to face with the Supreme Leader of the Empire. Kylo Ren.


Your fight or flight instincts were kicking in. Your heart was beating rapidly, you felt your hands start to shake, and your palms sweating. You took a step back, in fear of the man who was much bigger than you. In that moment you made a decision. Romantic feelings or not, you were going to save your friend. Moving to unclip your lightsaber, you pressed the button to activate it. A Purple light shot out of the hilt. Taking a deep breath, you took a step forward raising your lightsaber, ready to strike.

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