Face Beyond the Mask Part One

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Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader

Word Count: 576

Warning: None

As a child, you had always wanted to be a resistance pilot

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As a child, you had always wanted to be a resistance pilot. Luckily, you had grown up with one of the infamous resistance pilots who had helped arrange a meeting between you and General Leia at D'Qar. She was enthusiastic that another female would be joining the resistance.You were lucky enough that Poe had agreed to train you as a resistant pilot like he was. After, he determined that you had subsequent training, you decided that knowledge is power, and trained to be an infield medic as well.

This allowed you to have something to do whenever, you weren't flying and vice versa.You helped Poe in his X-Wing and made sure he had everything he needed or could possibly need. Once, you were retreating back to the floor in the hanger, you had felt hands on either side of your waist. Knowingly, whose hands they were you didn't fret. It was often a ritual between you, Poe, and Finn, before every fight. You would mother Poe, and in return Finn would help you down from the ladder after you were done helping Poe.

After seeing the resistance pilots off, you and Finn began getting ready for the fight that would be happening on the ground. All your  you had known that you were force sensitive. However, the sensation began overwhelming you in ways that it never had.

"Sorry, Finn. I need a minute."

He nodded understanding why you "needed a minute". You stepped outside, to get some fresh air to help clear your head. It was winter time. A blanket of snow covered the ground. It was frigid outside, every breath you took was visible in the air. You often thought as a child that this was a 'special' power one that mirrored being a dragon of some sorts.

"Daydreaming again are we?" Sounded a deep mechanical voice.

"You seriously have the market coined on, couldn't show up at a worse time." Turning to see a tall dark figure wearing a . You snapped back, "I told you to stop doing this. We're on opposite sides. I'm not going to give you any information about the resistance!" pausing before adding, "Now. Leave. Me. Alone!"

Promptly, taking off in the opposite direction from where the figure stood. You knew it was Kylo Ren trying to come through to you, when you had felt the familiar sensation, deciding against your better judgement usually never ended well. The previous conversation that had taken place, proved that. You often daydreamed about what he looked like behind that mask. Was he discombobulated? Or was 'he' actually a she? Had anyone seen the face beyond the mask and live to tell the tale?

These were the questions, that kept you up at night, like tonight. Your data pad read 1:14am. Sighing, you rolled over to the otherside of the bed, closing your eyes.

"Can't sleep either huh?"

Squeezing your eyes shut, this was not something you wanted to be dealing with at this hour. A week had passed since you snapped at him. That hadn't stopped him from trying to get through to you. Practically everyday, he tried to come through. You weren't sure if it was the fact that he had finally gotten through to you, or if it was the current time, but what you felt was an unfamiliar feeling that washed over him, that could be summed up in one word.


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