chapter 2: the exams

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y/n's POV:

"all you have to do is follow me to the second phase." as he started walking in the opposite direction, multiple applicants questioned the examiner with stuff like 'but what about the first phase?' and stuff.

after a little bit if running, he started to speed up, and i was starting to understand what was going on, so i pushed a button on my boots that made my wheels pop out. i started roller blading as the crowd got faster and faster.


it's been 2 hours since the first phase began, and people are already dropping out.

thats kinda sad.

as I hear l'oreo start yelling, i zoomed up to see what was going on. he was yelling at the white haired kid for being on a skate board. as gon started to defend him, i giggled.

"pfff- idiot-" i giggled more, trying not to laugh. but when i saw l'oreo with steam practically leaking out of his ears, i couldnt help but let out another fit of giggles.

"you arent so innocent either, n/n! YOURE WEARING ROLLERBLADES!" he screamed, grabbing the attention of most of the applicants. i slapped the back of his head.

"shut up, stupid! you're drawing attention to us!" i whisper yell.

"hey, how old are you guys?" the white haired kid asked suddenly.

"twelve." me and gon said at the same time. he jumped off his skate board and caught it in his hand.

"i guess i'll walk, too." he says, cooly.

"wow, cool!" gon says in awe.

"i'm killua."

"i'm gon."

"i'm y/n."

he glances at gon, then he glanced at me. he looked ahead of him and i couldve sworn i saw a litte bit of red on his cheeks. but maybe it was the lighting.


we saw some stairs up ahead, so i pushed the button on my boots to make them go back inside the heel. as we start running up the stairs, i could tell killua was impressed that I could keep up while i'm in heeled boots, and i wasn't even out of breath.

"let's race. whoever gets to the finish first wins." killua suggests.

"okay, but the loser has to buy dinner for the two winners." gon said.

"you two are on!" I said. wait... these guys probably have a lot more stamina then i do! how am i supposed to win now ;-;

"ready... GO!" we all said, picking up the pace. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, but it still wasn't a fun experience.

after a little while of racing, we all caught up to each other.

"i'm really surprised you two can keep up with me." killua stated.

"really? heh heh.." gon said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"thanks... i think?" ;-;

"or all these guys are slow, you guys just seem fast." he stated.

"so why do you wanna become a hunter, killua?" Gon asked out of the blue.

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