2- I know a dirty word: Hello

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Morgan locks her bathroom door and turns on the shower. The hot water streams down. Drops of water trickles down the shower glass and steam clings to the bathroom mirror.

Morgan steps into the steaming shower. The warm water hits her body like a bullet and causes goose bumps all over her body.

She quickly washes her hair and body. She puts the body wash down and picks up a shaver and studies it.

"No, not today. It's going to be a good day today." Morgan whispers to herself and looks at the horrible scars on her wrist.

After a few minutes Morgan finishes up in the shower she enters into her room picks out her outfit for the day; dark skinny jeans, a white crop to and a grey pullover hoodie. She added her bracelets, makeup, out her blonde hair into a high scruffy bun and completed her look with her white ankle converse.


Morgan quickly ran down stairs and rounded up her dad and brother.

"Well your eager." Her dad's chuckles.

"Well I wanna get there before Christmas." Morgan sarcastically remarks.

However her dad just rolls his eyes. He's used to that by now. Morgan has always been a sarcastic person, especially towards her family.

"Okay, you go de-ice the car, I'll get the money and tickets." Lee tells his daughter.

"Why don't I get the tickets and you go out into the freezing cold?" Morgan suggests with a smirk.

"Uh... no." Her dad smiles and goes off into the kitchen. "but if you don't hurry up we won't get there before Christmas!" He shuts back.

"Cool story Bro." Morgan says as she exits her house, she wasn't really listening to her father.

She shuts the front door behind her and walks past her Mini and towards her dad's jeep. As they lived down dirt lanes in a country landscape, they needed big 4by4 cars. Well other than Morgan's Mini.

The frost bites onto the cars cars, making them shimmer in the rising sun.

The only thing Morgan really hated about her birthday, other than the fact her mother wasn't there, was as it was December it was either snowing or below freezing.

Her and her family would always go out for a birthday meal and as her dad and brother were always late getting ready it was normally Morgan's job to de-ice and heat up the car for there journey.

She hated it. Yes she knew that everyone morning she had to get up at like 5-6 o'clock to sort out the horses and dog but that was different. It takes ages for her dad's car to warm up but if she runs down the garden with Sherman, her body is already a little warmed up and if she gets cold she can snuggle next to one of her lazy horses or juts but one of their rugs on. Morgan would honestly do anything to get warm and she had a close bond with her horses, she did everything we them. Some of my best friends never talk to me she always thought. Well they were her best friends and everyone knew it.

Nevertheless Morgan managed to get her freezing fingers to open the car door, start it and the heater up and running. She grabbed the ice scrapper out of the glove compartment and began to remove the ice and frost from all the windows.

Finally she finished just as her brother and dad came out.

"Have fun!" Morgan's step-mum shouted out from the kitchen window at the front of the house.

Morgan thanks her step-mum then gets in the car and drives the way to Morgan's birthday present, the Arsenal stadium tour.

She was so excited!

Don't Princess, Don't- Aaron Ramsey/ Arsenal fanficWhere stories live. Discover now