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Cassandra:*slightly concerned*Uh,is she okay?

Emberleigh:I dOn'T wAnNa Do ThIs,ThO-

Spottedleaf:What don't you wanna do?

Emberleigh:*sighs*At least I get to hug the children...

Mosskit:*visibly scared because Emberleigh is creepy*

Emberleigh:I'll start with Ein to get it over with...


Emberleigh:*walks slowly up to Ein and hugs him*

Ein:*confused werewoof noises cause Emberleigh hates him*

Emberleigh:*visibly disgusted*

Also Emberleigh:*naruto runs over to Sam*

Sam:Uhm,you okay Emberleigh?

Emberleigh:*hugs Sam*:3

Sam:*hugging back*Oooooh,is the dare to hug everybody?

Emberleigh:Sort of...*runs over to the rest of my OCs and hugs them*

Emberleigh:*runs over to Wander and hugs him*

Wander:*hugs back immediately*

Emberleigh and Wander:*hugging an unnaturally long time*

Sylvia:Okay,time to let go.*tries to tug Nya~Chan off of Wander and fails*

Emberleigh:I will hug my small fluffy child forever...

Sylvia:*visibly creeped out*

Scarlet:Hey,uh,Ember?Maybe it's time to hug somebody else?

Emberleigh:I love the small fluffy child...

Wander:*still hugging Emberleigh,not relising how creepy she's being*

Cindercloud:*teleports Emberleigh off of Wander*

Emberleigh:Aaaawwwww...*runs over and hugs Barry*

*pretty much the exact same thing happens*

Sam:*relising the pattern*Oh no...


Sam:Uhm,so far the characters she's gone crazy with are her favorites...

Scarlet:Oh.Oh crap.

Emberleigh:*hugging and petting Briarlight while whispering 'my child'*

Briarlight:*slighlty uncomfortable*Uhm,the petting and the hugs are nice and all,but could you maybe let go?Your creeping me out a little-


Scarlet:Hey,Emberleigh,how about you take a break from your children and hug Scourge?



Also Emberleigh:*hugs Scourge*

Scourge:This is very unpleasent.

Emberleigh:Shut up.It's for a dare.Also,your really soft-

Scourge:*inaudible grumbling*

Star:Me next!Me next!Me next!

Emberleigh:Okay!*stops hugging Scourge and goes to hug Star*


Scsrler:Hopefully she got the crazy fangirling out of her system...

*a bunch of hugs later*

Emberleigh:*latches self around Hater with a blank expression*

Sam:F*ck,she didn't get it all out-


Emberleigh:Never,precious child.I won't let go of you like I did the other 3.The world is a cold and cruel place.You shall be in my arms forever.

Hater:*very angry and creeped out*

Sam:I think repressing her fangirlism just made the reaction worse-

Hater:*tries to shock Emberleigh*

Emberleigh:*is completely unfazed*Nothing will get me off of you,child...

Cindercloud:*falls off of the ceiling*Except me,the only force in this room more powerful than you and ur friends!*teleports Emberleigh off of Hater*

Bryan:Let's just let her get it all out of her system...

Hater:*hides in the corner,away from the creepy furry that wouldn't let go of him*

Emberleigh:I pRoMiSeD i WoUlDn'T lEt Go-

Sam:*comforting her*But that's not what he wanted,sweety.That's not what he wanted...

Emberleigh:*goes back to normal*Oh-

So,I'm to lazy to actually type out what happened when Emberleigh went crazy with the rest of her favorites in the style I've been doing,so here's a brief summary;Sylvia was creeped out and kind of just backed away when Cindercloud seperated them,Peepers freaked out and ran into Haters cloak after Emberleigh let go,Varian kind of had a mental break down in the corner while Rapunzel,Cass,and Eugene comforted him,Tom was severely creeped out and kinda just stood there confused afterward,Zane was really uncomfortable and had a generally similar reaction to Scourge,and Globby hugged back,but slipped out of her arms when it started getting wierd.

*after Emberleigh finished hugging everybody but Aphmau*

Aphmau:My turn!



Emberleigh:You know how I said the dare was sort of to hug everybody?


Emberleigh:The sort of was,uhm...*clears throught*

Aphmau:*going to cry*What kind of monster would make somebody hug everybody except one person!?

Emberleigh:*about to cry to*I know,right!?

Emberleigh and Aphmau:*crying into Sam and Aaron respectively*

Sam and Aaron:*just staring at eachother and patting Emberleigh and Aphmau respectively on the back*

Wander:How about I hug Aphmau for you?

Emberleigh:*looks up from Sam's shoulder*Y-you would do that?Oh wait,your Wander,course you would.:3

Wander:It never hurts to help!*hugs Aphmau*

Aphmau:*picks Wander up while hugging him*

Aphmau and Wander:*finsish hugging*

Emberleigh:Okay,because the dare was so mean to Aphmau,I'm gonna let her pick who chases Ein.

Ein:No.F*ck no

Aphmau:Hmmm,how about Aaron,Zane,Barry,you,and me?


Everybody Aphmau said:*start chasing Ein*

Ein:*running.Just running*

Emberleigh:Hey Wander,wanna do the ourtro?

(It's not as wierd as Scourge doing it,okay?)

Wander:Sure!Anyways,bai frands~


Multi-Fandom Truth or Dare...Part 2!!!!!:3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz