Chapter 1

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Alex POV (Alexandra)

"Alex, I had been calling your name for a couple minutes already!" my mom argued as she pulled my book away from me. I tried to reach for it like a child grabbing her candy.

I pouted glaring at my mother for taking away such a good book, Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Yes I know it has a movie but I like reading it rather than watching it I'm a nerd that way.

"You had been reading since we got here you had not unpacked any of your things yet." My mom said sternly.

"Now, I'm taking your book with me you can get it later if you finished unpacking your belongings."

She said well more like commanded before going out taking my little paradise away. I grumbled and sighed as I looked around me.

I have boxes lying everywhere! I started unboxing my things and started organizing them. After a couple of hours I was able to unbox everything and my room looks like a room rather than a storage box.

I picked up a my sports bag that looks like a travelling bag and laid it on my bed. I opened it and inside I was my gloves, cleats, 3 balls and 2 bats.

"Alexandra?! Are you not done yet? Dinner is ready!" I hear my mom shout.

I quickly zipped it up and put it under my bed. I inhaled as much air as I can before breathing out. I went down to see my brother and my parents sitting down around the table.

"How nice of you to join us at last" my brother grumbled and I glared at him.

"Now, now don't start. Alex come on sit down lets start." Mom said.

I sat down and we ate I dont want to bore you with details so lets skip ahead. After dinner I washed the dishes bid my parents good night got my book from my mom and went back to my room.

I started to read again but unfortunately my brain is tired to work on its imagination as I read so I just put it down pit off my lights and laid in bed.

Well here is a little summary about me.

My name is Alexandra Lee but I prefer to be called Alex, and if you are wondering yes Lee as in I'm a part Asian. My grandfather migrated in New Jersey had a small business there met my grandmother had a son who married my mother. So yeah Im like ¼ Korean, Im 5'8, with a jet black hair that is wavy I get annoyed by it so I always have it in a bun or a pony tail. I have black eyes and thick eye brows and lashes that gives of the idea that I wore mascara but in reality I dont do make up. It give me rashes so I avoid it at all cost though I don't actually need them because I have rosy cheeks. Also I have this genetic illness I dont even know what it's called but my mother has to inject a black liquid every month. She had been doing it since I was young and my mom doesnt really explain what illness I have but I just dont ask as well. Mothers knows best right?

So my father just got a promotion in his company but it required us to move here. Well we thought about staying there back at home because my mother has her job there and my brother have his friends. I on the other hand according to my parents needs to get away from there.

The plan was me and my father would come here but they realized how absurd it is to have a family in different places. My mother found out from the company she is working for have a lab located here so she asked to be transferred and they agreed, as long as she will fly out there every once in a while since she is one of the head doctors in the company.

My mother is Microbiologist and she works for a private pharmaceutical company while my father used to be the manager in ZNC a brand of a car, anyway the company had to branch out here but they offered my father the position of being the head. He will act as the CEO but all his actions should go to the companys CEO which is also one of my fathers best friends.

Another Teenage Drama.. Or Is It? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora