Chapter 2

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Picture of Evelyn on the side

Chapter 2

Lola's point of view.



"Lo, wake up."

I groaned, rolling over and bumping my nose on the hard fabric I didn't know was in front of me. I heard Joe chuckle, and pushed the baby blue blanket off of my sweating body.

"No." I whined, squinting at the bright winter sunlight shining through the window opposite his bed. Dragging the covers with me, I jumped in next to Joe, his arms wrapping around my waist. He sighed, placing a kiss on my forehead as I moved the wires to suit our position.

"Happy failed wedding day, mark two." I whispered, my voice dull.

In between working at the local primary school and avoiding the paparazzi, Joe and I had been trying to plan out wedding. However, in the past year we'd had to change the date and venue so many times purely because of his fame. Each time we decided on something, the press would find out and we'd be forced to change it to keep them at bay. To be quite honest, we were both fed up with it.

"I'm sorry baby."

"Why can't anything go right for us?" I asked, peering up at him. "I can't even plan my own wedding without it getting cancelled."

He rubbed my arm, kissing my earlobe and whispering softly, "It was my fault, I was being stupid."

I sniffled, nuzzling my head into his chest as he continued to stroke my hair across the pillow. "Maybe we're just not meant to be together."

"Hey, don't say that," he comforted, tilting my chin to look at him. "Next time will be the one, and it'll be better than anything we could've done before."

"You promise?"

"I promise." He mumbled, his hot breath hitting my skin as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I smiled, pulling the covers past my shoulders and falling back to sleep.


"Well, mister Sugg, you should be okay to leave," the cheery nurse said, chucking the used needles in the bin beside Joe's bed. "I'll fill in the discharge papers."

I fetched Joe's clothes out of the plastic bag, and helped him to change, being careful of the wires surrounding us.

After being given numerous antibiotics, we hailed a taxi and headed home, Joe's car still parked in our drive from the past night. The lights in the lounge were on, meaning that my mum was still in, probably trying to work the tv. We walked in, closing the door as quietly as we could, before slipping our shoes off.

"Joe? Oh darling, are you okay?" She asked, hugging him. I chuckled under my breath, leaving her to comfort him.

"Where's Court?" I shouted, flicking through the post that'd been left on the counter.

Although Courtney and I may not have been on the best terms a few years ago, she'd become one of my best friends, and was hopefully moving over here soon. Both me and Joe had forgiven her for what'd happened, and blamed the mistake on immaturity and selfishness. Luckily, she'd changed a lot, and the girls and I had willingly allowed her to hang around with us while she was in England.

"She went out, probably seeing that Adam guy." My mum answered, walking into the kitchen, Joe following shortly after.

"Who's Adam?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder, placing light kisses on my neck.

"Some boy she's been skyping the past few months. He lives a few hours away." He nodded, pushing his body closer to mine. I could feel his breath falling on my ear, getting heavier with every seconds. "Not now," I whispered, turning my head slightly. "Mum's there."

"But baby, I need you."




So I really wanted to update this :) I've got a few chapter written in advance so updates will be more frequent :)

Do you want Adam to be nice? Or not?

Love ya

B x

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