Heart Pirate

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“Doctor-ya, you seems to know more about One Piece,” Law said.

“I'm not going to tell you~” she replied. Law was shocked with her sudden change of behavior. “By the way, my name is Romy Sui Ren, let's get along,” just like that she went in.

Law’s mouth was opened in shocked of disbelief. He clinched his teeth and sighed.

Ren walked inside, leaving Law speechless on the deck. Penguin showed her an available room for which she will stay for sometime. “Penguin-kun!” she called to stop him but he already left the room. She was about to chase him but as soon as she opened the door, Law with his long sword was there. “Aihuu, you startled me!” she screamed.

Law stared at her in disbelief. “This woman really...,” he thought. He sighed and left her with cold eyes.

“Waterloo-kun!” she called.

Law stopped and turned around. “Waterloo-kun?” his eyebrows furrowed.

“I want to go shower, but I don't bring my clothes,” she hinted. Law just stood there, making ‘Do-I-look-like-I-care’ and started to walk away again. “Yah!” she shouted. “At least give me an underwear,” she half-whispered and pouted. But Law stopped and faced her. “What’s wrong with him, the underwear part becomes so clear to him, hentai...,” she thought.

“We have a female crew on board, ask her, don't ask me,” Law clinched his teeth, annoyed with his own disbelief feeling. He sighed and walked away, finally! “That idiot,” he thought.

“What’s wrong with him, its not like I’m willing to go here, YOU kidnapped me, YOU!” she almost shouted. “Aihuu! Really!”

“Ikkaku-san?” Ren knocked Ikkaku’s door before Ikkaku opened it and she smiled.

“You must be Captain’s savior,” she added. “Come in, I’ll get your things ready,” with that Ren nodded and came in. “You know my name, that's a surprise,”

“Hm, I’m a big fan of One Piece...,” Ren stated. “Until I became a doctor,”

Ikkaku laughed. “Here,” she handed Ren white jumpsuits with Heart Pirate's jolly roger. “I’m sorry but this is the only clothes we have, we’re a manga character after all,”

Ikkaku sounds quite sad but Ren,“No that's okay, this is fine, thank you Ikkaku-san,” she smiled.

“Hey, just call me Ikkaku, we’ll be a good friend,” Ikkaku smiled back, got rid of her sadness. “Oh and dinner should be ready by now,”

“Okay, I'll see you this evening,” Ren left.

After finished showering, Ren reached for the Ikkaku’s jumpsuits. She came across the pirate’s jolly roger, faced her. “Is this really okay for me to wear it,” she asked herself. She sighed. “Ren, you're really in a Manga World for god’s sake,” she chuckled to herself. “I’m going crazy!”

“Dinner’s ready!”


The whole crew gathered in the dining room and ate their meals. Law who sat on the Captain's seat while Ren sat in the middle of the crews.

“The jumpsuits looked good on you!” one of the crew exclaimed. Ren smiled while mouthing ‘thank you’. “Doctor-san, what do you do in Real World?”

“...I’m a doctor,” she answered.

“I’m sorry,” Bepo apologized.

“WHY ARE YOU SORRY?” Penguin and Shachi shouted. Ren laughed with the whole situation, she thought it was just like in the Manga.

“Captain, you haven't officially introduce us to the doctor,” Clione explained.

“As spoken, this is my crew, Doctor-ya,” Law said. “They’re 19 in total,” he added all of the crew members cheered and started to make noises. “ANYWAYS—”

“Captain!” they turned their gaze to their captain, all of them. “You have to introduce us properly,”

“You seems to be done with your meals, we need to talk outside,” Law ignored.

“What? That is it?” they crew was taken a back. “Slighted! Slighted! Slighted!” with thumbs down they start boo-ing their captain. “We feel slighted!”

“We’re just going to send her home, we don't necessarily have to get friendly,” he then head out and waited for Ren by the deck.

“Waterloo-kun!” Ren called Law as her presence.

“Don’t call me, Water,” Law looked at her. “You know too much Doctor-ya, and its just sucks,” he added with crossed arms.

“I always wondered why it was such a tabo—,”

“Don’t,” he warned.

Ren pouted with annoyed face and faced the sea, “Anyway, what do you want to say?” she quickly changed the topic. She added,“Waterloo-kun.” Or not.

Law sighed. “We’re on our way to Sabaody Archipelago right now, we can send you back there,” Law started. “It’s wide space there, and I will manage to in counter my power this time so—,”

“I doubt that,” Ren cut him. He gazed at her with cold eyes saying excuse-me. “No, I didn't mean that, I was saying that, Sabaody Archipelago, aren't that pleasing...,” she took a big gulped. “I know what happened there,”

“Tell me, Doctor-ya,” Law’s attention started to pour down towards her.

“Before that,” she faked a cough. “Promise me something,”

“What is it?” Law asked.

“There will be union of worst generation, Basil Hawkins, Straw Hat Luffy, Captain Kid—,” she was cut when Law stepped back. “You don't want to know the rest, anyways, promise is a promise, I've told you who’s there,”

Law sighed,“What's the trade, Doctor-ya?”

“You’ll let me see the Straw Hats there, hehehe,” end of her mouth started to curve.

ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Where stories live. Discover now