Counter Shock!

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The doctor touched his chest and his heart was beating so fast. “The monitor must be broken, double up his IV shots, its an allergy reaction, is his scan here yet?” in one breath she spits all out.

“Not yet, it should be finished by now,” the nurse answered.

“Make move!” she instructed and all the nurses respond with quick moves, leaving her with the young man. She was puzzled, a bit puzzled. Her eyes shifted to the young man trying to raise his hand. “What is it?” she asked.

“Ro—,” but he was too weak, his hand kept on falling. “Can you—,”

Without any further questions, she helped him by holding his wrist and raise his hand about 30°. “More?”


A big bubble started to appear around them. The doctor’s eyes was wide opened, shock! “Wha—what is this?!” and she fall down, fainted, release his hand. His hand fall and all turned black for both of them.

A loud thud sound was heard on the ship’s deck. Penguin ran to the deck and discovered their captain half naked, unconscious with a woman beside him.

Bepo ran to his captain, “Captain!” he cried.

“He ain't dead!” the whole Heart Pirate crew shouted at him

“I'm sorry...,” he cornered himself by the end of the deck.

“Why are you sorry?!” the shouted again.

The crew moved their captain to their operation room, so as the woman.

TRAFALGAR LAW opened his eyes and discovered Bepo was arranging the equipment near his bed. “Bepo-ya,” he called.

“Captain!” he ran to him. “Do you really have to do that?! Why did you go there?! I said you shouldn't use your Ope Ope No Mi power there! You should have brought Penguin with you! You—,”

The woman beside Law’s bed started to move and both of them stopped and peek on her. Law clinched his teeth when she was facing them, but still with close eyes. She snored. He clinched his teeth more. “Shhh, you're making a noise, Bepo-ya,” he half whispered.

“I'm sorry,” he apologized.





“Ah!” she woke up and Law face-palmed himself.

She sat on the deck’s floor with most of the Heart Pirate’s crew surrounds her. She kept her head low and playing with her own mind of puzzles. Law with his sword, crossed his arms and looked at her. “Why are you here?” he asked.

She answered while her head still low, “Why am I here? I don't remember! I was saving punished by chief, that bastard and now I am here, why am I here, WHERE AM I?” half-almost cried she was.

“Captain, I think you're being too harsh on her,” Penguin softly suggested.

“I think you should lower your voice,” Bepo from behind entered the scene.

“A TALKING BEAR?!” the woman’s thought.

“That shouldn't come from you!” The crew shouted at him.

“I'm sorry,” Bepo kneeled down.

Law just stood there and stared at her. “I don't think you're ready to know where you are,” he stated.

“Should we just kill her, capta—,”

“I REMEMBER!” she raised her head and fastly she goes,“I was saving this cosplay weirdo, he was an absolute fan of Trafalgar Law, he got his tattoos everywhere and suddenly he went room and i was—,” she stopped and looked at him on detailed. “Ah! Like that! Like that, he looks like—...that,” and now she realized that is him. She bit her lower lip in regret and and blinked her eyes few times in disbelief.

“So you're saying that, you're saving our Captain?” Penguin asked. She nodded.

“Wait, Captain?!” shocked, she was. “No way why is this cosplay dude your captain, hey no—,” she was cut when Penguin fixed his hat. “Hey you, you’re Penguin?” and Penguin replied with a confused nod. Law was sighing on how to explain, and he was ready but then she started to laugh historically, “So you guys are the Heart Pirate? This dude right here is Trafalgar Law, and you're Penguin, who’s gonna be Bep—,” she stopped when she realized something, a talking bear...

“I'm Bepo! I'm sorry...,” Bepo exclaimed but quickly apologized.

Her eyes shifted to Bepo. “You're the white bear, navigator of Heart Pirate, Bepo,” she shifted to Penguin, “You're Penguin with Haki, but not so Penguin,” she moved next to other crew, “Shachi, Ikkaku, Uni, Clione—,”

“Doctor-ya,” Law called.

“And you're,” she took a deep breath.

“Trafalgar Law!”

“Manga?! You're saying I'm stuck in this Manga World?!” Reckless how she looked she doesn't care.

“Doctor-ya,” Law started. “I don't know how you ended following me here, but its the best to send you back,” he suggested.

She stopped whining and looked at Law. “That was fast, okay, send me,”

“On that,” he stopped in hesitant. “I can't,”

“What? No, wait,use your ‘Room!’,” she mimicked his ‘Room’ a bit in a panicked way.

“Did you just mimicked my ‘Room’?,” his gaze was direct on her. “Anyway! no, I can't,”

“I don't care! Use your ‘Shambles’,”

“That’s to switch things,” he replied to her whining.

“‘Counter shock!’ ,”

“That’s defibrillator, Doctor-ya, you have to wait, I can't use it right now, you've seen what it had done to me—” he replied.

“Waterloo-kun!” she screamed. “Send me back home,” she kneeled down in tears.

Law sighed. “Someone take care of her anyway Bepo-ya we’re still on our way to Sabaody Archipelago, keep the sail straight in the current,” the captain instructed.

“I'm sorry, yes Captain!” Bepo moved.

She stopped crying and shouted, “Sabaody Archipelago?!” Law jumped in startled and faced her. She stood uo and wipe her tears. “I can't do anything, I'll just wait,” but she was smiling and her feet was stomping in excitement.

“Doctor-ya, you seems to know more about One Piece,” Law said.

“I'm not going to tell you~” she replied. Law was shocked with her sudden change of behavior. “By the way, my name is Romy Sui Ren, let's get along,” just like that she went in.

Law’s mouth was opened in shocked of disbelief. He clinched his teeth and sighed.

ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Where stories live. Discover now