|Act 1-Scene 1|The Setup

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My heart pounded in my ears.

I saw feet first- sandals then the familiar black uniform, and then white of a captain's haori.

Brown eyes stared at me through useless glasses. Eyes that had once been so bright, now gazed at me with the dullness of unpolished stone.

Red stained his uniform.

I bit my lower lip, trembling slightly.

"Such a shame isn't it?"

Gin's voice slipped into my ears, oozing with insincerity.

"What have you done?" I whispered unable to tear my eyes from his body.

I could practically feel Gin's grin, "I don't know what you mean."

Of course, I knew that Sosuke had no love for the soul society, but I also knew that he valued his own life, and that he was much too careful for someone like Gin to have killed him.

So how was this possible? The fact that he hadn't told me about this...could it be that it really wasn't planned? Did he in all his genius somehow not see this coming at all?

Next to me, Momo screamed. Her voice faded to the background as a feeling of numbness spread from the tip of my toes to the the top of my head. Everything aside from me and him had been muted.

A cold hand settles over my eyes abruptly cutting off my vision.
"Come on, let's get you out of here." Toshiro's familiar voice whispered solemnly in my ear.

I let him turn me away from Aizen and followed him much like a doll as he took me back to Squad Five's barracks.
"I'll be back later." He said leaving me in front of the door.
I nodded his words only barely registering. I walked upstairs to the Captain's room, my mind empty save a buzzing in my ears. Absently I ran my fingers over the dark wood of Sosuke's desk, feeling every groove and line in the wood.

The image of his body, hanging limp, and so very dead, floated to the front of my mind, burned itself to the backs of my eyelids when I blinked.

"It's not real." I whispered "It's not real. It's not real." I repeated; as if saying it enough times would make it true.

My tears came quietly and quickly, falling onto the wood narrowly missing a neat stack of papers. I don't how long I cried, but eventually someone knocked on the door.

"Toshiro." I said softly my throat dry, and my voice scratchy. He gave a small nod "I'm sorry for bothering you at this time," he said professional as always "but we thought you might want to see..."

I found that I did and didn't want to see the body. Standing far away it was easy to believe that it was fake, but if it was so close that I could touch it...

"Yes." I whispered hollowly.

We walked to Squad 4 in silence.

Captain Unohana herself opened the door when he knocked. Wordlessly she led us inside, to the Sogo Kyugo Tsumesho, a place I had never visited before. It was something of a hospital, but right now, for better or worse, only one bed was occupied. A white sheet had been pulled up to the occupants neck. I walked towards the bed, Unohana and Toshiro remained by the room's entrance.

I could feel their eyes on me as I leaned over the body. His eyes were closed, and his glasses were folded on the small table next to the bed.

I raised a hand to his cheek. So...cold.

I was no stranger to death, but he didn't look dead. It was like he was asleep.

Just sleeping. He would wake up, he would. He had to.

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