🍭 | Part Seven: YUI

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It's Monday again. I'm sure Kaito's going to have a lot of people coming his way. Someone taps my shoulder. It's Yohan.

"Hey!" He says and smiles.

"Hello, Yohan!" I greet back.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I says and continue, "Do you think I should forgive Kaito?"

"Why are you asking me that?" He asks.

"Because you're his bestfriend?"

"Well, everything is up to you. But what I know is Kaito really cares for you. He never wanted to involve you in his father's schemes. However, I told him before to tell you but he said you were stubborn. If he told you anything there's a chance you'll get hurt by his father. You'll get tricked and you'll even be used against Kaito. He had to hurt you for you to cancel the arrangement. Hurting you also hurt him. And, Yui, if there's a chance you'll forgive him, I'm sure Kaito will do everything to prove that he deserves that forgiveness."

Kaito cared for me that much? I knew he was getting beat up whenever he forgot to take me to the hospital but this much? He had feelings why would he go through that for me and why that route? He could have told me, we could have thoroughly thought of a plan. But he carried the burden alone. Now, it's in his conscience that he's hurt me. He'll continue blaming himself for that. Why would you do that, Kaito?

Because he likes you.

What? No.

Speaking of Kaito, he comes out of nowhere and greets, "Morning."

"Good morning, Kai." Yohan greets.

Yohan then nudges me, "Morning Kaito."

"What, no more Kai-kun?" Yohan says.

I ignore him. The three of us walk together to school. As we walk, I hear whispers in the hallways. The news about Kaito and his father must've reached every one. Geez, can't they shut up? The person's been through a lot. The best they can do is go their own ways and continue their daily lives.

I was about to say something when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I look behind me and it's Kaito. I turn away and just continue walking. We enter the classroom and we went on through the day.

I kinda feel sorry for him.

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