🍭 | Part Twelve: KAITO

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"So, did you take your medicine?" I say before we enter the school gates.

Before Yui could answer, we were crowded by many people. Girls carrying chocolates and gifts. I could feel Yui slowly getting away from me

"Yui!" I shout and grab her hand at the same time. I caught her. The crowd gives us space. Yui slowly looks at me.

"I thought their engagement was off after what happened to Kaito's dad." Some girl says.

"Yeah, what the heck." Another girl says and rolls her eyes.

"What a joke." The girl says and continues, "Still, I'll be your valentine, Kai."

She glares at Yui and tries to grab my hand that's holding Yui's hand. I hold tight on Yui's hand and pull her towards me. The girl bothering took a step back at the same time, I catch Yui's shoulders. Her cheeks are red.

"You okay?" I ask and hear the beeps of her watch go faster, "Is your heart hurting? Your watch it's beeping quickly. Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office? I'll carry you---"

"It's beeping because of you. My heart it's beating fast because of you."

Oh, frak, schist, geez, dam. I have no more words. Yui has completely taken my breath away.

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