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Dragonese is marked with asterisks (*).

This is Berk. Where humans coexist with... dragons.

Yup, you heard right. Dragons. Coexisting with humans.

"You burnt our sheep again! What are you going to do to make up for it, huh?!"

Not really well, mind you. We mostly just keep to ourselves, living side-by-side.

Unlike the rest of Berk though, I'd been learning Dragonese, so I could understand the dragons. This was because... well, him. He was two years older than me, but d*mn was he hot....

*Burn your food, too?* he smirked with a shrug.

But it would never work out. I shouldn't pay so much attention to him. After all, love isn't just strictly forbidden for dragons and humans but also between... men.

And boy, is he a man... (unlike me, who Snotlout still insists has no balls...). [I'm starting to think he just claims I'm a woman because he wants me to be.... (But even if I was a woman, I sure wouldn't choose him!)]

I was head over heels, and I'd been ever since I met him in that cove....

It was ten years ago, when I was only five.

I had wandered into the cove but couldn't get out since I was too small and weak, so I started to cry. But then suddenly, I was up in the air. I was scared and confused at first, but in only a few moments, I was laughing and delighted. I'd never been up in the air before, but it was an amazing experience....

I'll never forget the beautiful night sky I was released to, nor will I forget what happened afterwards....

You see, my father hated dragons. And the being that dropped me down in the village was a dragon. When it did so, the village had an outrage....

'He could've killed the chief's son!'

'Why are you laughing, Hiccup?! You could've been killed!'

'This is why the dragons should just be thrown off the island and never come back!'

"So fun!" I had cheered, but then my father, with his humongous ax in hand, took a swing at the night fury behind me, causing it to yelp. I gasped, wheeling around only to see my father take another shot at it. My eyes widened, and I threw myself onto the night fury.

All I understood in that moment was that the mesmerizing black shadow was a friend that had given me the time of my life. Since I'd never seen a kid dragon, I had no idea what they looked like, especially night furies. They looked completely different from any other dragon I'd ever seen! So I just assumed it was a wild animal, like a bird thing....

"Hiccup!! Get off of him; you could get hurt!!"

I hung on for dear life, trying to protect the being. Then shrieks were heard. And blasts erupted around the area.

I later learned that there was a truce between our people, that we would never kill anyone of the other species. So that night, the dragons warned my father, Stoic the Vast, and the other people of my tribe not to kill the orphaned dragon.

As a formal apology (after everything was cleared up about what had happened), Gobber (and I) made a new tail for the dragon. It was the least that we could do after my father... well, chopped off half of his tail....

And as the chief's son, I really shouldn't be ogling him.... I really shouldn't be..., but...

I mean, can you blame me? He's the best on this whole island.... So strong, bold, and...

He chuckled, sweeping his tail across the ground to hit one of the sheep. It flew into the air with a frightened scream before ending up in a food cart. The Vikings yelped, their eyes watching the sheep's trajectory as my Night Fury fled off into the forest.

Cunningly clever.... (chuckles with a shudder)

When the vikings' eyes returned with vengeance, the midnight shadow was nowhere to be seen. I was about to follow back to the dragons' area, but I heard my father calling my name.

The Truce's Seed (Hiccup x shapeshift?Toothless)Where stories live. Discover now