You have a Childlike/Innocent Personality

Start from the beginning

Andre: "And so that's basically what you need to know about the school! Any questions?" I asked Dan, leading him back to the foyer. Dan is a new student here at Hollywood Arts. Lane had asked me to show him around and I had agreed. I took him on a tour of the school and basically just showed him where all of his classes were. Now I'm going to introduce him to my friends and boyfriend in the foyer.

"Um, yeah actually." Dan spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Could I get your number? And maybe we can hang out sometime" "Sure!" I chirped, "I'm always looking for new friends!" "Um actually..." Dan began, but I cut him off, "Oh speaking of friends! Hey guys!" I exclaimed, giving my friends and boyfriend a wave. "Hey Y/N/N." they greeted me back. I quickly walked up to them and gave them each a hug (yes even Jade because I said so), and stayed beside my boyfriend Andre. Andre snaked an arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Guys, this is Dan, he's new here. Dan, these are my friends, Tori, Cat, Robbie, Beck, Jade and my boyfriend, Andre" I introduced my friends to my new friend. The gang gave him a variety of vibrant greetings but Dan just mumbled a hi back. "Um, it was nice to meet you guys but I gotta get to class now!" Dan claimed, walking away in the opposite direction of our group. "Oh wait!" I exclaimed, trying to get him to stop so I could give him my number, but he didn't stop.

A pout formed on my lips. Andre's arm tightened briefly before he let go, "Why the sad face baby?" Andre questioned. "Do you think I scared him off?" I wondered aloud. "You? Never?" "Probably not." "Nah it definitely seemed like a him problem." My friends responded. Despite the answers, the pout didn't leave my face, "Well let's go through what happened and see if it truly could have been you. Though I doubt it" Andre offered up. I nodded, "that's a good idea." And so I recounted to the group exactly what the two of us had done, all the way up to where he asked for my number.

"Wait? He asked for your number and then asked if you wanted to hang out?" Andre asked. I nodded, "Yeah and I told him I was always looking for more friends." The six of them shared some looks and burst out laughing, pushing me further into confusion. "What? What did I miss?" I questioned my friends. Andre rested his hands on my shoulders, "Baby. I think that Dan likes you and was trying to ask you out." he explained gently. My brow furrowed at his words, "Wait, what? For real?" I questioned once more. Andre nodded and laughed, "Yep and then instead of letting him explain, you then introduced him to your boyfriend." I gasped in realization, "Oh no! I didn't mean-Do you think I hurt his feelings?" I asked frantically.

Andre's laughter died down, "No baby. Although his pride might be a little hurt, but this school is full of single people, I'm sure he'll find someone. Just not my baby" I let out a little sigh of relief as Andre pressed a kiss to my forehead and then to my lips. Just then the bell rang, "Come on hun. I'll walk you to class"

Robbie: I bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited for Robbie to answer the door. Robbie had asked me to come over and hang out. He promised we could all the movies I wanted and he had all of my favorite candy and drink. After a few more moments of waiting, the door swung open and there stood a disheveled Robbie. "Hey baby!" I greeted, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. Robbie sighed and his shoulders seemed to let go of their tension. "Hey honey. Thank you for coming over, come on in."

I didn't have to be told twice as I made my way into Robbie's house. I glanced in the kitchen and let out a groan, "Why is Rex out?" I questioned, a slight pout on my lips. Robbie sighed, "He wanted to watch movies with us." He claimed, picking up the dummy. I sighed, "I thought it was only going to be you and me!" I whined, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Well sweetcheeks, it's you, him and me now!" Rex said, bobbing his head side to side.

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