CHAPTER 5: There must be something mentally wrong with both of them.

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"Hi Alex I'm going to get my shit by the pussy, care to join me?"

"I thought you would never ask, as exciting as it sounds I have to work you know I'm not some chick that owns her own dance school that can take off to get her shit by some pussy" he answered laughing.

"O shit I forgot your occupation there for a while, I'll phone you just in case I need back, I'll pop in on my way back to see how things are going"

"See you than, bye"

While riding to Kyle's house she realised that the chick could still be there and she did not know how she would react when she saw her. She made up her mind that she was not there to fight, she just wanted her things to get out of Kyle's life. When she arrived in front of his house there was an unfamiliar car, a red Mercedes to be exact. She walked up the walk way realising that it was the last time she would walk up the path. She knocked on the door 3 times and there was no answer. She knocked 5 times but with her fist, she heard shuffling and was answered by a women covered in a bed spread. Loads of thoughts ran through her mind but the one thought that shouted at her was the fact that Kyle and herself was going to get married and she put her heart on him. The women that answered the door should have been her answering the door to some little kid trick or treating, but that wasn't the case and she had to suck it up. Be nice is what she told herself.

"How may I help you?" she asked with a lot of attitude.

"I'm looking for Kyle" Leigh answered with an annoying tone.

"Kyle there's a trick waiting at the door for you" the women shouted

"Excuse me, who are you calling trick, you the one who's sleeping with someone in a relationship, so do yourself a favour and keep your mouth shut!" Being nice wasn't an option at this point for Leigh

"Leigh, what a surprise" Kyle said walking into the foyer.

"Don't bull shit me Kyle, I'm here to get my stuff so you don't have to worry about me" Leigh answered pushing him out of the way.

"What do you mean, you fetching your stuff? What is your stuff anyway?" Kyle asked concerned.

"Just my clothes you ass, I don't want any of the things inside this house. I don't want to leave you with an empty house or wait that's a good idea and maybe that bitch can buy you shit to put inside this house" she answered with a grin.

"Leigh wait, I'm sorry I should have ended us before I went sleeping around. Watching you pack your stuff just made me realise that you..."

"That I'm what, the best thing that happened to you, the pea to your peanut or wait I'm the ose to your nose. Please save it for the next chick you cheat on, I don't want to hear it" Leigh said as she left the house

"Oh and next time you cheat on a girl use someone better than your current girlfriend, because my legs are way better than that and that weave let's not go there" she winked and left the house.

As she drove away she never thought that something this emotional would result to her being this happy. The further she drove away from his house the pain in her heart lessened and the tension was gone. In such a good mood she decided that she needed to dance so she went to the studio. When she got to the studio she could not believe her eyes Lisa was jumping up and down talking to Alex. It looked like they have known each other for years and they busy catching up.

"Did I miss something that the two of you are talking like you know each other for years?" Leigh asked hugging Alex and Lisa.

"Well your sister is as hyper as you but you still take the cake, wait a minute... you look extremely happy. What did you do to him, Leigh if his injured or I know you set his house alight didn't you?"

"No, actually I went in got my stuff answered his questions and her questions and left."

"She!!! Who the devil is she?" Lisa asked ready to jump anybody in her way.

"Chill, I don't know who she is and I don't care. I know this is weird but as I drove away from Kyle's house I felt so relieved and happy." She answered grinning.

"Leigh I'm going to let this pass for now because I have news to tell you and everyone omw I can't keep it in any longer" Lisa said squealing

"What is it, the last time I saw that smile you got the promotion, what happened?"


"Omw sis, I'm so happy for you when is event and does that means you were chosen out all the other head choreographers?"

"The event is in 3 months' time and yes he choose me. I don't know if I should blush or what"

Alex just stood back shaking his head watching the two sisters that has been through hell serious hell, they both were assaulted, one just broke up with her boyfriend of forever and the other left her abusive fiancé and gave up her house to that man. There must be something mentally wrong with both of them. They so grateful and it is something that is admirable in both of them.

"Lisa you not telling Leigh everything you know and you must ask her all those questions" Alex reminded Lisa

"Wait, what have I missed. He knows more than me and you don't even know him for a solid day?" Leigh asked hanging her bottom lip playfully

"Well, when I went to get my stuff I got the phone call to tell me about the event and that's when I realised that I love my job and that I don't need Adam so I told him he needs to get the value of the house and all its contents and give me half, a once off payment." Lisa said quite pleased with herself.

"So what should you be asking me then?" Leigh asked curiously

"Well I was wondering if I could crash by you until I find me an apartment or something like that." Lisa asked with puppy dog eyes

"To hell are you staying in an apartment, you can still with me until forever. I live alone anyway" Leigh answered delighted.

"Let's go for dinner, I'm starving and we have a reason to celebrate" Alex suggested randomly.

"Good idea, mum and dad should join us" Lisa added.

He won't goحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن