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"Now I look like the bad guy" he thought to himself as he swept up the broken glass from the vase he pushed out of the way.

"How am I supposed to feel if she comes home late firstly and she brings food I do not want to eat, his daughter is no angel. Tomorrow I am going to tell him about how she doesn't cook on a Wednesday and how she comes home 10-20 minutes late during the week" he continued thinking will packing the dishes in the dishwasher.


"Are you sleeping by me or are you going to mommy?" Leigh asked placing her hand on her knee at the red robot. Leigh moved out of her parents' house, 2 weeks after she was in a car accident that killed her younger brother Liam. At the robot, 3 roads away from the mall, a truck jumped the red light and knocked Leigh's car while she was crossing. The trucked knocked Liam's side. The paramedics announced that he had died on impact. The truck driver drove away from the scene, and the footage of the accident from the street camera was used to determine the number plate of the vehicle and to get enough information about the driver to lay a case. The Hale family decided to drop any murder charges and the driver was fired from his job and was given a 25 year ban on his driver's licence. Due to the driver driving away from the scene he was sentenced 2 years imprisonment. Leigh spent 2 weeks in hospital because of a concussion and suffered a broken arm. Her relationship with her father changed for the worst there after. It's been 3 years and he doesn't speak to her. Mrs Hale never blamed Leigh once for Liam's death and tries her best to form some kind of communication between her husband and his daughter. Lisa has always told her mother to give it time but 3 years seems a bit long for giving something time.

"Is it ok if I crash by you?" she answered silently

"Of course you can, how you feeling?" Leigh asked more concerned than worried where she was going to sleep.

"I'm okay, and thank you for what you did for me today. "

"Lisa I'll do anything to protect you, you know that"

"I'm sorry" Lisa says sobbing.

"Babe these nothing to be sorry about, you safe now. How does some comfort food sound I have some brownies and ice-cream at home?"

Without a word Leigh knew the answer to that, Lisa had a sweet tooth and it was her weakness.


At Leigh's house they sat each with a bowl of ice-cream and 4 pieces of brownies like they were in some kind of heaven, watching dance videos. Lisa was a hip-hop choreographer and Leigh was a contemporary choreographer. As they sat watching videos they shared their ideas on how they would have done particular dance moves and to what type of music. When it was time for bed Lisa got done for bed and Leigh made them tea while Lisa got done.

"Leigh is it ok...mmmm... can I sleep in your bed?"

"Well... I do have a double bed, so it's up to you."

She smiled and took her tea, knowing her sister's sarcasm was a yes.


As Lisa left, Leigh had not spoken to Kyle, her boyfriend, since that morning. She decided to call him but she did not want to tell him that Adam had hit her but she knew she had to.

"Hello" he answered, he sounded a bit out of breathe. She thought that he might have left his phone in the kitchen when she had phoned and he was in the back room. Lately, their relationship was not the same, she felt disconnected to him when she was in his company. He had more interest in his phone and that sought of thing. As Leigh was growing up and up till this day she overthinks everything so she brushed it off.

"Hello babe, sorry I never spoke to you today"

"No worries I was busy anyway"

"Oh okay then, just wanted to know how you are?"

"Oh, I'm ok, look I can't really speak now"

"Well this is important if you don't mind" she said raising her voice just a bit.

'Hey when you coming to bed' Leigh heard another voice over the phone, and it was a females voice.

"You know what Kyle, why don't you go to bed and not speak to me again. Thank you for everything and that whole long speech. Good luck and goodbye."

"Leigh wait" he pleaded

"Bye Kyle" she cried and ended the call.

"Leigh, what happened, why are you crying?" Lisa asked. She must have heard Leigh when she raised her voice.

"It's nothing Lisa, go sleep you need to rest" she answered smiling

"Leigh, speak to me" she asked politely

"Not until you speak to me first Lisa, but we can speak over breakfast" Leigh asked slightly more aggressive than she anticipated.

In the morning Leigh woke up with a painful heart and body, the events that happened the day before made her head spin as she got up. Laying back down on her back she remembered that Lisa has slept next to her but she was not there. Knowing that Adam would injure her badly she got out her bed screaming.


Every negative thought ran through her mind has she ran through the house, could he have gotten into the house and took her, what if he had hit her senseless in the house without Leigh knowing.

"I'm in the kitchen Leigh" she answered sounding panicked.

"Oh my word you scared the hell out of me" Leigh answered hugging her.

"But I never did anything so why would I scare you, oh I'm making breakfast I hope you don't mind" Lisa answered in shock.

"I thought you were gone because when I woke up you weren't next to me and its cool I hope you know how I like my eggs" Leigh answered half out of breathe and relieved.

"I've lived with you for more than 15 years so what do you think huh" she answered sarcastically.


After she made breakfast, she tried to jumble her words because she knew Leigh wanted an explanation. She gathered her words and was about to speak when her phone rang, this made her jump.


Leigh noticed the way Lisa jumped when her phone rang, and she gave a small giggle but the look that Lisa gave her made her stop and she rushed to Lisa's side.

"Who is it?" she mouthed

"Adam" Lisa answered in pure fear



"Don't you think for one minute that you are safe where you are and that I won't come after you?" Adam said laughing.

"What makes you think I'm afraid of you and yes I am safe where I am actually" taking a deep breath she answered him.

"So you think I can't hear the fear in your voice and that your sister will protect you, well... let me tell you something you wrong!!!!. Your sister couldn't protect you last night so what makes you think she can now. Oh yes, Kyle, he won't protect you at all because his useless, so I suggest you leave that place and come back home where I can protect you" he spat at her through the phone.

"You the last person on the planet that I want protection from, I'll rather suffer and die then get that help from you, you such a coward you know that, you fought with me because you know I can't defend myself. You pig." She answered him trying to hold back her tears.

"If that's the case, you have to start watching your back from now onward because you and your family is not safe. And please do me a favour, get you a boyfriend so that his life can be endangered as well, I'm begging and pleading you to do this just for me please"

Before Lisa could answer Adam he put the phone down and she began to cry in fear, she knew what he was capable of and this made her fear him much more than before.

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