CHAPTER 4: For my love of dance let him keep it.

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As the time came closer to her father picking her up to get her things, the more she felt like bailing out on the idea.

"Hey, Leigh are you going with daddy and me?"

"Nope sorry, I'm going to get my stuff by that dweeb. But phone me if anything goes down, I'm leaving now though"

"Please don't hurt him or anyone and are you going alone or is your 'co-choreographer' going with you?"

"That's a good idea I'll call him to see, thanks you the best!" Leigh answered sarcastically, even though it was a good idea.

As they pulled up in front of her house her entire body tensed up, how can you be afraid of your own home she thought while walking to the door. She unlocked the door nervously, her father was behind her all the time. Adam sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper like he had no troubles in the world.

"Afternoon Lisa, Mr Hale" Adam greeted as he got up to kiss Lisa hello.

She walked out of the kitchen when she saw his intension. She walked into her room to start packing when she realised that she has to move out of house that she worked really hard for and she was not prepared to give it all up for a man that doesn't love and respect her.

"Daddy" she called while she sat down on her bed.

"Yes sweet heart, what's the matter?" he asked looking really concerned.

"I was just thinking, why do I have to move out of my own house that I worked so hard for and he gets to stay here?"

"You said you wanted to move out and that is why we are here to pack your things" he answered confused.

"I know that was then but I realised now that I'm not at fault here so I shouldn't be the one moving anywhere"

"I think its best that you sell the house.....if"


"Hell are you selling this house" he shouted at stopping Mr Hale from speaking.

"Adam think about it, the two of you are going to have endless problems about this house it is most sensible thing to do" Mr Hale answered him calmly.

"Sir with all due respect as hard as Lisa had worked for this house so have I"

"And that is why I am saying if you sell the house this problem won't occur, both of you don't want to move out and I clearly won't let her stay with you so either the two of you make an agreement on whose staying here or I'll introduce a lawyer and let things get very ugly."


As Adam stormed into the room screaming she jumped and stumbled to her feet. He was talking to her father so she knew that things were going to be settled quite soon. Her thought was broken when her phone rang, her ringtone gave her a fright.

"Lisa Spencer how may I help you?"

"Good day Lisa, I'm Nikki from Wade's Dancers America, I believe you the head choreography for Wade's Dancers SA"

"Yes Ma'am that's correct. Is there a problem of any sought?"

"No there's no problem I'm phoning to inform you that you were chosen to be the head choreographer for a charity event 3 months from now. You were picked out of the 7 head choreographer's worldwide for Wade's Dancers."

"Seriously, I'm speechless right now. I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, smile or what, this is big wow thank you so much"

"The charity event is to raise money for all countries affected by natural disaster and poverty"

He won't goOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant