Chapter 22 - A New Friend

Start from the beginning

"Done" she said and put away the stuff she had taken with her.

Then she sat down on the bed beside me.

"I'm sorry if I come of as a harsh person but it's just because I care about the people around me, especially the ones who means much to my friends" she said and I looked down at my hands. "I've known Rick for about half my life, actually we went to school together and when he called me that night when you had hurt your foot I could hear something had changed in him and when I saw the way he looked at you I understood what had gotten into him" I met her gaze and she smiled, "love." I blushed and I looked down again. "That's why I got a little angry with you once we found you again, I've never seen Rick so worried about someone or look like that at someone before and like I said I've known him for a long time. So, I'm sorry for coming of so harsh at you, I just didn't want my friend hurt and I didn't know you were only trying to protect him, protect all of us in fact" she said and I looked up at her again.

"I never wanted any of you in danger, that's one thing I promised myself when I started to hide, to never let anyone close enough to get into the same danger I was in. Guess that didn't work for long" the last part I muttered.

"Hey, it worked for five years which is long enough, you shouldn't have been put in this situation in the first place" she said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know, I just... I broke my own promise, besides I broke the promise I gave my mom. I promised her to safe but somehow Bracken found out I knew too much and then when I became a homeless I just stopped caring about anything. It was almost like I became someone else. I was just living without really living. Guess I needed someone like Rick to get my life back" I said and when Lanie smiled wider I couldn't help but smile back.

She was cool. I had thought for a while she would be a hard person to get to know, that she would be strict. Turned out she would be a great friend after all.

"Thanks, for everything" I said and I could hear in my own voice how much I meant it.

Without her I would've probably bled to death that night when Rick found me after I left him.

"No problem girlfriend" she said and winked at me.

I smiled at her. I was so glad I had met Rick, now I didn't just have a guy I loved who were feeling the same about me, I also had a friend who I never would've met without him. There was a knock on the door and we turned towards it in time to see Rick stick in his head.

"How's it going, ladies?" he asked carefully and when he saw me smiling his eyes lit up.

"Did you just call us ladies? Me, a lady?" I asked and I started to chuckle.

"What's wrong with that?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Never mind" I said and added "something going on?"

He looked at me but shook his head to gather his thoughts.

"The guys went to go get the pizza, the documents are sent to all the people we could think of so now we'll just have to wait and stay alive" he said and I nodded.

"Maybe it's time for me to go down, there's no point in waiting up here when the food is going to be down there in just a few minutes" Lanie said as she raised and I chuckled at her sassy comment.

She walked past Rick out of the room. Rick came towards the bed and sat down beside me. He looked at me with a small smile. I smiled back and knew what his eyes were asking me.

"I like her, she seems like a great friend. God it was so long since I had friends" I said with a sigh.

"And now you got three, plus a boyfriend, and a daughter and a mother" he said and when he saw the look on my face he added "well, kind of."

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