Chapter 17 - Meeting a Sith Lord (Ariana)

Start from the beginning

I decide not to give them the satisfaction of being forced to push me back inside so, I walk in on my own liking as the door closes and locks behind me. One avenue of escape cut off. One more to try. I walk over to the window, looking down as best I can. I realize that the window is only a few stories off the ground. If I jump out, I'll probably land on a landing dock unless I fall over the edge in which case I'll fall to my death.

Still, I think it's worth it. At least it will give me something to do. Reaching out with the Force, I manage to open the window. I push it up until it's completely open. I'll have to move quickly since the bounty hunters might hear me otherwise. I pull myself up, squeezing out the opening. It doesn't look so difficult from here. I'll probably land on the platform below. I can only hope.

As I'm sliding out, I accidently kick the wall. Oops. I'll just have to hope they didn't hear, because I can't afford to stop now. I don't want to be forced to stay there and meet Sidious. Not really. I'd rather just escape and make my own way back to Padme's apartment or the Temple. I smirk slightly, imagining the looks on everyone's faces if I arrive.

Just as I'm jumping, I hear noise from my cell. Uh oh. I hope that Sidious didn't arrive. That wouldn't be good. He'll be furious if I'm trying to escape. No time to think about it now. I draw in the Force to cushion my landing. Thankfully, I land on my feet. The Force sings a warning which I react to a second too late. Before I can run, a cord is suddenly wrapped around me. Looking up, I see Bane.

I groan. Clearly, he figured out I was planning to escape before I got out the window and followed me. Using a cord, he caught me before I could get anywhere. Glancing behind me, I decide that maybe it was for the best. If he hadn't, I might have stepped right off the platform and accidently killed myself. Not fun.

"You are simply impossible," seethes Bane, waving a blaster at me, "Go back inside. No funny business, or you'll be shot." Clenching my jaw, I walk back inside the building, which is clearly an abandoned warehouse. I really don't want to be shot, and I'd rather not take my chances running when I don't know exactly where to go.

Minutes later, I find myself inside the cell staring at a wall while Bane stands inside the door, pointing his blaster at me. I sigh, trying not to give in to my exasperation and annoyance. If Sidious will be coming, the last thing I need is too many negative emotions floating around. He'll simply try to exploit all my weaknesses.

"You're lucky I'm not a Sith," I mutter to Bane, knowing he can hear me, "If I was, you'd be dead right now, and I'd be long gone."

I sit down on the floor, getting into a meditative position. Maybe I'll still have enough time to clear my head. Despite my irritation, I realize that I'm not really scared at the prospect of meeting Sidious. Nervous, sure. Scared, no. I don't really know why that is. I know he could hurt me, but for some reason, I'm not afraid, and I can't understand why. Why am I even questioning it? It's probably a blessing, so I should be grateful.

I close my eyes and slip into the Force, letting it give me a sense of peace and security. I might be in Sidious' hands, but I'm not alone. I have the Force, and I'm certain Anakin will be looking for me. I can sense my sisters' tension through our bonds and gently send a calming wave through the Force. I'm worried enough about my uncertain future without their emotions distracting me too.

I put up a shield across my bonds with them. I don't want to be feeling their fear while confronting Sidious. Searching out my bond with Anakin, I hold onto it. My love for Anakin will get me through this. I know it will. Besides, he'll need to sense me in order to find me. I'll give him all the help I can while waiting for him to find me.

A prickle of the Dark Side disturbs my meditative trance, and I know that Sidious is nearing. I take a deep breath, releasing my anxiety into the Force, letting a sense of calm descend. The Force will get me through this. Maybe I can get Sidious to give up on his insane dreams. It's not likely, but there's still a chance. One I'm going to take.

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