1 The Road Called Life

Start from the beginning

"What are you thinking," I gulped. Punzie grinned, "How about you and Hiccup?" She shouted.

"What about Merida and Hiccup?" We heard Tadashi laughing. He had just placed a roll of rope to hang inside the fire truck. "Just that they should be dating," Punzie teased me and winked eye.

"Not gonna happen," I hissed. Then I saw Hiccup standing in the doorway that leads to staircase which we use to get up. On the upper floor is our beds and social area. Hiccup smiled sadly when he looked at me, his hand went through his hair as he turned around.

Punzie turned around and saw the back of Hiccup who was going back up. Hiccup shouted that coffee is done. "See, you hurt his feelings," Punzie groaned.

I woke up from my daze, "I did what?" I whispered but Punzie didn't hear me. She was pacing towards the staircase. Her steps sounded angry and I sighed.

When I climbed down from trucks roof Hiro is still organizing some gear. "C'mon newbie, coffee break," I shouted to him and he quickly runs next to me.

"Merida," Hiro started and I looked at him. We were the last ones going upstairs. "What?" I questioned and he flinched for my harsh voice. I cleared my throat and asked again, this time giving a smile in the end.

Hiro blushed, "I talked with Hiccup today." Hiro said and I hummed. "He said that you're awesome and the strongest girl in the team. He likes to work with you so," Hiro whispered. "Oh," I said and kept my eyes forward while we were climbing the stairs up.

"Honestly I think that he likes you," Hiro said and it made me stop. He bumped against my back. "Y-you're imaging and besides. We're on the same team, it wouldn't work out," I said. Then I turned around and gave him a fierce look, "Never spoke of such things again. Okay?"

Hiro nodded his head and we went all the way up. Hiccup gave me a coffee mug and I joined on the table with the others. "I brought chocolate!" Tadashi grinned and threw a bag on table. "YASS!" Hiro shouted and took a handful.

Jack took one piece of chocolate, "Thanks IQ." He smiled to Tadashi who was munching some already. "Mer!" Hiccup shouted and threw me a couple, I nodded my thanks.

"Hey, why wont you all come to my place for enjoy some food?" Jack grinned. "HECK YEAH!" I yelled and everyone started laughing.

"Why are you guys so excited for some food?" Hiro asked and drank some of his coffee. "Jack here does the best food ever, well.. At least best dishes that have no names.. He experiences on various tastes and makes them work, somehow," Tadashi laughed and messed up Jacks hair. It was easy since Tadashi is the tallest of us all.

"Stop," Jack grinned. Tadashi looks at Hiro and smiles, "If you want really good regular cooking or some tasty desserts, then Punz is your girl." Punzie giggled, "Yeah I can cook but I'm taken Hiro." Hiro laughed a bit and then the alarm started to ring.

"At one go!" Everyone yelled in unison and we emptied our mugs. Then we run downstairs and gear up. It was another day at work again. This time it was a car accident scene.

I drove us to the place of the accident and we started helping out the people who were stuck in the vehicle. "Bring me the metal scissors," Jack ordered and I went to get them with Hiccup.

Jack and Tadashi were breaking the car's windows with small axes while Punzie protected the lady's head. "Here!" I told when I placed the gigantic tweezers on the door. We had to cut the roof of so we could get the lady out. It was badly beaten up looking, the car.

The paramedics from Man In the Moon also known as M.I.M hospital were arriving to the scene right after us. The road was all muddy and slippery since the rain was pouring down while we worked.

The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa / Big x )Where stories live. Discover now