5 : Final Selection (2)

Start from the beginning

"That wasn't necessary." Sabito didn't like her method, but she was probably right. A demon here had a grudge against their teacher, and would most likely target them if he knew they were there. "You know full well that boy will probably die now."

"Tch, your life is more important than his. Besides, I never planned on letting him die. My goal is to actually split up, and savemost, if not all, the people who attended this year." Her features were blank and held no real deceitful intentions. "If you're done judging me about my concerns for you, then I'll be on my way." Her still face made her harsh words even more soaked in poison. It hurt Sabito, he didn't mean to sound judgemental. He watched her run after the boy in high speeds, he knew if the the two of them needed help, she would prioritize them over the other people, but the sheer fact she thought of them as well... it warmed him to know he had such a caring friend.

'(Y/N)... Run... Don't stop running...' Those words echoed in her mind as she tackled the boy from a moment ago and covered his mouth with her hand. With her other hand, she placed a single finger over her lips to shush him. 'Run, it's the only thing you have left. Run, you're special... Run, Run, Run free' it's what her family used to tell her before they were murdered mercilessly. She looked around, then above her and took her sword from its resting place at her side. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards into a sweet looking smile, "you can come out now. You aren't nearly as stealthy as you wish you were."

"My, oh my. What a beauty you are. You smell different, but you certainly are one of that family. I thought they were killed off a few years ago-" he saw the look in her eyes. She clearly didn't know, or didn't care, about what he was talking about.

"I can cut your head off right now, stop wasting my time. If you have something to say about my dead family, then say it already. You and your buddies are starting to piss me off." Her tone was venomous, but he could tell he succeeded in getting her attention. It was such an opportunity, he didn't know he'd have the pleasure of meeting such a jewel.

His low belly chuckle disgusted (Y/N), but she let him continue, "Your family wasn't a random massacre, you know. Perhaps... I know something about it. But what could you give me in return? What do you have to trade for information from me, a vile creature?" He was hoping to provoke her, but it didn't seem to work.

"I have no need for your information. It's been years, their deaths are irrelevant to me now. In return for showing your revolting face, however, I can end your life."

He gave a mixed reaction of amusement and astonishment. "My, my! What a peculiar girl! No wonder you're such a gem! If you won't take the information, then let me warn you. Do not, under any circumstances, let the father of all demons find out someone of your bloodline exists. He'll take you dead or alive." He watched her eyebrows twitch, he knew he'd hooked her. It was just a matter on whether her ego was to big or not. Sure enough, she used a lightning fast move, and was wrapped around him in an instant. Her feet wrapped around his waist, while her body was pressed against his. It was an unlikely move on her part, he gave her that. She really did exceed his expectations, no wonder Muzan saw them as a threat.

"I have no fear of Muzan. If you don't want to meet your end right now, tell me what you know." She pressed her sword further into his neck. It was intimidating that she had put herself in danger by getting so close, but even more so that she didn't seem phased at all and was still demanding things. She was obviously at a disadvantage, but it didn't seem to matter to her.

"Look, if you can promise to put me out of my misery when we're done, I'll tell you what you want, or what I know." She nodded letting him know to continue, "You're a jewel, a gem. A rare talent lies underneath the surface, and the fact you're here proves that. However, you have yet to find that rare talent. Your family knew what this talent was, and passed it down through all these generations. The ancestors of your mother... are connected to the only man that even came close to killing the father of all demons. That's all I can tell you, the rest you must find out on your own, (Y/N) (L/N)." She gave a small smile and ended his life.

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