chapter 5.3

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Well that wasn't so good for my potato mans confidence. -5 selfesteem on that one... but its ok! I we will get the potatos of glory! An it will bring Justice!
I went to potato who put it his face out of his shirt now, blushing and sweating. "Ugh, Ah... Uaghhh"
I said " I delivered the letter."
and potato said " Potato noticed! That was... less then ideal... Still! You delivered the letter, as you said you would." He reached me another potato out of his hoodiepocket. "Here, You have earned the third potato of friendship!" "Hurray!" I took the potato. Potato lird now pointed at me. "Come join potato at lunch, and you will be told how to continue the quest." I bowed infront of him. " Yes, potato my master! Yes bro."
The bell ringed and Mrs jigglytits who was reading some adult stuff said while making a waving sign with her hand: " Yes kids, thats the lunch bell. Go outside or whatever, I dont give a fuck."

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